maart 2016

Today, the Commission is reporting on the implementation of the temporary emergency relocation schemes and the European resettlement scheme. The report summarises the challenges and proposes recommendations to improve the implementation of these schemes.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: resettlement, relocation

maart 2016

Today the Commission proposes a new Emergency Assistance Instrument for faster crisis response within the EU.

februari 2016

Today 27 February, numerous platforms and citizens came together for a European March in more than hundred cities in 28 countries, including Brussels where 3000 persons expressed support for the initiative.

februari 2016

Today, the Belgian government approved the plan for the distribution of asylum seekers over the different municipalities of the Kingdom. It will enter into force on 1 May 2016.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: distribution plan

februari 2016

The Justice and Home Affairs Council of 25/02/2016 discussed the current migratory situation, including the monitoring of implementation of the measures already agreed at recent meetings of the European Council and Justice and Home Affairs Council.

februari 2016

Belgium pledged 75 million EUR to be spent on humanitarian aid in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. The aid will mostly be dedicated to initiatives encouraging refugees to stay in their region of origin and providing dignified living conditions.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: humanitarian aid, Syria, Syrian refugees

januari 2016

Looking at the migration/refugee crisis, the College of Commissioners looked back at measures taken in 2015 and the initiatives to be presented in 2016 to further develop collective European action and deliver clear and tangible results.

januari 2016

In 2015, the number of asylum applications filed in Belgium doubled compared to 2014, and the protection rate reached an all-time high.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: asylum applications, asylum decisions, CGRS

januari 2016

During the first six months of 2016, the Dutch Presidency will work on the priorities agreed with Slovakia and Malta in an 18 month trio programme setting long-term goals for the period January 2016-June 2017.

december 2015

De Europese Raad kwam op 17 en18 december 2015 overeen op de acties over de hotspot-operaties op te drijven, alsook de implementatie van relocatie- en terugkeerbeslissingen, de controle van exteren grenzen en de samenwerking met derde landen.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: mensensmokkel

december 2015

De Europese Commissiestelde vandaag een aanbeveling voor over een vrijwillige regeling met Turkije inzake de toelating van vluchtelingen uit Syrië op humanitaire gronden
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: syrische vluchtelingen

december 2015

During the third quarter of 2015 (July to September 2015), 413 800 first-time asylum seekers applied for international protection in the Member States of the EU, a number almost double that of the second quarter of 2015.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: asylum statistics

december 2015

The package of programmes is the single biggest EU measure in response to the Syrian refugee crisis to date.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: aid, EU Trust Fund, Syrian refugees

november 2015

Home Affairs Ministers focused in particular on speeding up the relocation process, strengthening the EU's external borders, fighting human trafficking and smuggling, and return and readmission.

november 2015

As from 9 November 2015, an asylum seeker can obtain a C work permit four months after applying for asylum. The 6 month period was cut to 4 months by a Royal Decree which entered into force today.
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Integration
Trefwoorden: employment, waiting period

november 2015

Today, a first group of 30 asylum seekers was relocated from Greece to Luxembourg, in the framework of the EU's relocation scheme.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: relocation

november 2015

On 3rd of November 2015, the General Policy Note on Asylum and Migration of the State Secretary for Asylum Policy and Migration was published. It defines the main orientations and actions to be taken in the field of asylum and migration in 2016.

oktober 2015

Op een bijeenkomst op 25 oktober maakten de leiders van de landen die geconfronteerd worden met de migratie-uitdagingen van de Westelijke Balkanroute afspraken over een 17 punten programma.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: migratiecrisis

oktober 2015

Nieuwkomers zullen in de toekomst een verklaring moeten tekenen wanneer ze in België toekomen. De verklaring zal een aantal sleutelprincipes omvatten van de Europese Conventie inzake de rechten van de mens en de Grondwet.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: engagementsverklaring

oktober 2015

De eerste editie van Myria's nieuwsbrief "Myriatics" geeft nuttige cijfers en feiten met betrekking tot de huidige vluchtelingencrisis die toelaten de globale context en de situatie in de EU en in België beter te begrijpen.
Hoofdthema: Asiel

oktober 2015

The Council adopted a series of conclusions on the future of the return policy and approved more money to tackle the refugee crisis. The EMN will be used to monitor whether disparities among Member States' programmes could lead to return shopping.
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration
Trefwoorden: migration crisis, return policy

oktober 2015

Een eerste groep van 19 asielzoekers wer gereloceerd vanuit Italië naar Zweden onder het EU-relocatieschema.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: relocatie

oktober 2015

Op 7 oktober 2015 vond de jaarlijkse conferentie van het EMN plaats in Esch-Belval (Luxemburg). Het was opgedragen aan 30 jaar Schengen, alsook aan de huidige uitdagingen betreffende grensmanagement en irreguliere migratie.
Hoofdthema: Asiel

september 2015

On 14 September 2015, an extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting was held in Brussels to discuss Europe's response to the current refugee crisis.
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration
Trefwoorden: refugee, relocation

september 2015

Today, the European Commission put forward a package of proposals to help address the refugee crisis that EU Member States and neighbouring countries are facing, including by tackling the root causes making people seek refuge in Europe.