december 2017

UNHCR is actively working to organize more life-saving refugee evacuations to Niger in the coming weeks and months, and calls for 1,300 resettlement places to be made available by the end of March 2018 for highly vulnerable refugees stranded in Libya.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: resettlement, Lybia, Niger

december 2017

Vandaag heeft het Belgische Contactpunt van het Europees Migratienetwerk (EMN) een conferentie georganiseerd over de voornaamste ontwikkelingen op het vlak van asiel en migratie die zich hebben voorgedaan in 2017.

november 2017

Myria launches today the 8th edition of Myriatics. This edition sheds light on immigrations from foreigners to Belgium. It reflects inter alia on the position of EU-28 citizens within total immigrations to Belgium, as well as on the increasing importance of Syria as country of origin of immigrants to Belgium.
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration
Trefwoorden: asylum flow, immigration flow

september 2017

The European Commission published a mid-term review of what has been achieved so far in delivering the European Agenda on Migration. It also sets out new initiatives from the Commission to address key areas, and identifies where further efforts are needed in the coming months.

september 2017

Today, President Jean-Claude Juncker presented next steps towards a stronger, more effective and fairer EU migration and asylum policy.
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration
Trefwoorden: State of the Union

juni 2017

On the occasion of the United Nations' World Refugee Day, the European Commission is today releasing the 'EU Skills Profile Tool for Third-Country Nationals'. The tool is meant to support early identification of the skills of refugees, migrants and other third country nationals

juni 2017

Justice and Home Affairs Ministers met on 8 and 9 June 2017. Home Affairs issues included the reform of the CEAS, European travel information and authorisation systems, Schengen information system, Information systems interoperability and return policy. The protection of children in migration was also put forward.

mei 2017

In het kader van het Maltese voorzitterschap van de Europese Raad, hield het Maltese Nationale Contactpunt van het EMN op 24 en 25 mei 2017 een tweedaagse conferentie. De conferentie was gewijd aan de hervorming van het gemeenschappelijk Europees asielstelsel.

april 2017

Today, the Commission adopted its eleventh progress report on the EU's emergency relocation and resettlement schemes, assessing actions taken since 2 March 2017.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: resettlement, relocation

februari 2017

Het Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en de Staatlozen (CGVS) heeft een nieuwe gids gepubliceerd die informatie verschaft aan niet-begeleide minderjarigen die asiel aanvragen in België, alsook aan hun voogd.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: CGRS, asylum procedure

januari 2017

In 2016, there was a sharp drop in the number of asylum applications in Belgium, and the number of decisions taken by the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons reached an all-time high.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: CGRS, asylum applications, asylum decisions

januari 2017

Enkele speciaal gemachtigde ambtenaren van de Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken kregen rechtstreekse toegang tot bepaalde delen van de Algemene Nationale Gegevensbank van de politie. 
Hoofdthema: Asiel, Migratie
Trefwoorden: Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken, veiligheid

september 2016

Today, the European Commission is reporting on the progress made on the relocation and resettlement schemes and the implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement.

september 2016

Today, 19 September 2016, the UN General Assembly will host a high-level summit to address large movements of refugees and migrants, with the aim of bringing countries together behind a more humane and coordinated approach.
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration
Trefwoorden: middenveld

augustus 2016

Community support for Refugees in Belgium and the NGO Flemish Refugee Action (Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen) launched today a new website for asylum seekers and refugees in Belgium:
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: Integration, refugee

juli 2016

The Commission is today proposing a second set of proposals to reform the CEAS, focusing on the Asylum Procedures Directive, the Qualification Directive and the Reception Conditions Directive.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: Common European Asylum System, reform

juli 2016

Today, the European Commission proposes an EU Resettlement Framework to establish a common European policy on resettlement in order to ensure orderly and safe pathways to Europe for persons in need of international protection.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: EU resettlement framework, resettlement

juli 2016

From 1 July 2016 till the end of the year, Slovakia will hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union. A sustainable migration and asylum policy is one of the top priorities of the Presidency.

juni 2016

A law published today in the Belgian Official Gazette limits the duration of the residence permit granted to recognized refugees in Belgium. It will enter into force on 8 July 2016.

juni 2016

Today, a new law was published in the Belgian Official Gazette. It introduces several changes to the Immigration Act and the Reception Act, including on family reunification or searches in closed centres.
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration
Trefwoorden: closed centre, fraud, law

juni 2016

Today, the Council of State has annulled the decree establishing the national list of safe countries of origin, as far as the inclusion of Albania on said list is concerned.

juni 2016

At the initiative of the State Secretary for Asylum Policy and Migration, the premiums granted to Afghan and Iraqi nationals who voluntarily return to their country of origin have been temporarily doubled.

mei 2016

The European Commission today's proposals are part of a major reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) as outlined in its Communication of 6 April 2016.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: Common European Asylum System, reform

mei 2016

The news release covers main trends on the registration of unaccompanied minors among asylum seekers in the EU in 2015.

april 2016

Today the European Commission is launching the process for a reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and developing safe and well-managed pathways for legal migration to Europe.
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration
Trefwoorden: Common European Asylum System