september 2015

Vandaag stelde het Federaal Migratiecentrum zijn nieuwe naam en identeit voor: Myria.Ook werd het nieuwe rapport Migratie in cijfers en rechten vandaag publiek gemaakt. Het rapport bevat een jaarlijks overzicht van cijfers en de situatie van migranten in termen van grondrechten.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: Federaal Migratiecentrum

september 2015

On 3 September a Law amending the Immigration Act came into force. The amendment is intended to take into account threats to society and national security in applications for international protection.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: public order

augustus 2015

The Council of Ministers has approved a series of measures to guarantee the humane reception of asylum seekers, ensure the rapid transfer of asylum files and reinforce the return of failed asylum seekers.
Hoofdthema: Migration, Asylum
Trefwoorden: reception law

augustus 2015

Elke maand publiceert het Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en de Staatlozen (CGVS) een rapport die de statistieken bevat aangaande asielaanvragen en asielbeslissingen.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: asielaanvragen

juni 2015

The CGRS’ new website, which provides information on the asylum procedure in Belgium, puts an emphasis on user-friendliness and transparency.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: CGRS

mei 2015

De Europese Agenda voor Migratie wenst concrete antwoorden te formuleren op de recente tragedies in de Middellandse Zee en wenst, meer in het algemeen, migratie beter te managen in al zijn aspecten.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: Europese agenda voor migratie

april 2015

Het Belgisch Nationaal Contactpunt van het EMN heeft een informatiesessie georganiseerd open voor alle werknemers van de betrokken organisaties, met het oog op hen te informeren over de activiteiten en de samenwerkingsmogelijkheden.
Hoofdthema: Asiel

maart 2015

De EASO nieuwsbrief voor de maand maart 2015 is verschenen.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: EASO

maart 2015

On 25 March 2015 the European Commission has approved 22 new multiannual national programmes under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Internal Security Fund (ISF) for the period 2014-2020, worth together approximately €1.8 billion.

maart 2015

Dit persbericht vat de voornaamste trends samen met betrekking tot asielaanvragen en asielbeslissingen voor het volledige jaar 2014 in de EU28.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: asielaanvragen

maart 2015

During the meeting of the Home Affairs Council, Ministers discussed migratory pressures, and in particular the situation in the central Mediterranean, as well as increasing trends in asylum applications from Western Balkans countries and in particular Kosovo.

maart 2015

The College of Commissioners held a first orientation debate setting out the four main areas where actions are envisaged in the European Agenda on Migration.
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration
Trefwoorden: European Agenda on Migration

januari 2015

The European Migration Forum – the dialogue platform on migration, asylum and migrant integration – has met for the first time on 26 and 27 January 2015.

januari 2015

The European law and migration team (EDEM) of the Catholic University of Louvain has published its newsletter that analyses recent asylum case law.

januari 2015

On the occasion of the European Parliament plenary session of 13 January 2015, Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos spoke on human smuggling in the Mediterranean and the needed reaction of the EU

januari 2015

In een persbericht van 6 januari 2015, laat het Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en de Staatlozen (CGVS) weten dat het aantal asielzoekers dat in België in 2014 aanspraak kon maken op een beschermingsstatus hoger dan ooit was.
Hoofdthema: Asiel

januari 2015

In the first half of 2015 Latvia will assume the Presidency of the Council of the EU. The Presidency will focus on the implementation of the Strategic Guidelines in the area of freedom, security and justice (June 2014), as well as on the respective follow-up initiatives.

december 2014

Today the European Commission adopted its Work Programme for 2015 – setting out the actions the Commission intends to take over the next 12 months to make a real difference for jobs, growth and investment and bring concrete benefits for citizens.

december 2014

Syria neighbouring States are increasingly affected by the number of refugees seeking sanctuary within their country. The European Commission is stepping up its assistance to Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon to contribute to address Syrian refugees’ needs.

december 2014

The Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting gathering all EU 28 Justice and Home Affairs national ministers took place on 4 and 5 December 2014. Managing migratory flows, the functioning of the Schengen area and acting on foreign fighters were the main migration related topics discussed.

december 2014

The Court of Justice of the European Union has issued a case-law in relation to international protection and protection of human rights in the case of alleged persecutions because of an applicant's sexual orientation.

december 2014

Eurostat has released available data on asylum applicants and first instance decisions on asylum applications in the European Union in the third quarter of 2014
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Data & Statistics
Trefwoorden: asylum applications

november 2014

On 28 November 2014, the new State Secretary for Asylum Policy and Migration, Theo Francken, delivered the general policy note defining the main orientations and actions in the field of asylum and migration.

november 2014

On the occasion of 25 November 2014 EP Plenary Debate on Migration, EU new Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos, introduced the debate and presented the EU main orientations and policy fields for an integrated approach on migration and asylum

november 2014

Since 13 November 2014 and until May 2015, Belgium is chairing the Committee of Ministers, the political decision making organ of the Council of Europe. Under the Belgian Presidency, migration and asylum will be part of the issues tackled.