Publication date: 24 February 2016

This policy-oriented booklet reviews OECD countries' experiences with the integration of refugees and humanitarian migrants. It is the first volume of the OECD series 'Making Integration Work', developed with support from Germany, Norway, Sweden, and the King Baudouin Foundation in Belgium.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: humanitarian migrants, Integration, refugees

Publication date: 09 June 2014

The governance of integration of immigrants in EU Member States is a complex process involving actors across multiple policy areas at national, local, and supranational levels of administration.
Main theme: Integration, Migration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: diaspora, Integration

Publication date: 13 August 2013

Based on more than 100 interviews with service providers, policymakers and former victims of trafficking, the study analyses and compares the integration measures dedicated to victims of trafficking in Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy and the United Kingdom.
Main theme: Integration, Smuggling & Trafficking
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: victim of trafficking, Integration

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Eurochild and the Federation of Non-Governmental Organisations for Children (FONPC) are organising an international conference to share good practices and lessons on how civil society can facilitate the integration of refugee and asylum-seeking children.
Main theme: Vulnerable groups
Keywords: children, Integration

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Today a new law enters (partly) into force inserting a general residence condition into the Immigration Act. The Immigration Office can now put an end to a residence permit if the person cannot put forward provable integration efforts.

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Community support for Refugees in Belgium and the NGO Flemish Refugee Action (Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen) launched today a new website for asylum seekers and refugees in Belgium:
Main theme: Asylum
Keywords: Integration, refugee

Publication date:

On March 20th, Benoit Cerxhe, Liz Collett, Jean-Pierre Garson and different integration experts from both Belgium and Canada will examine integration trends and challenges, as well as case studies and best practices.
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: Integration, Urbanization