Publicatie datum: 01 mei 2019

This MPI Europe report explores the various forms of predeparture orientation programs offered by resettlement countries. It focuses on important design questions and identifies a set of features shared by effective programs.
Hoofdthema: Integration, International Protection
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: resettlement, assimilation

Publicatie datum: 15 april 2019

A new report published by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung shows how attitudes across Europe have changed before and after the 2015 migration ‘crisis’ and tries to explain what has driven those changes. Using data from the European Social Survey, the report’s authors find that, overall, perceptions of migration have remained both neutral and stable before and after the ‘crisis’. But there are a few countries that have become significantly more positive about migrants, as well as a few that have become significantly more negative.
Hoofdthema: Integration
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: attitude towards migration

Publicatie datum: 29 maart 2019

This EMN study aims to identify challenges, best practices and positive experiences in different Member States and Norway on the impact of visa liberalisation. The study covers Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries which have successfully concluded visa liberalisation dialogues according to the relevant action plans and roadmaps.

Publicatie datum: 26 februari 2019

25 (Member) States provided information on inter alia the existence of civic integration policies, whether or not participation in a civic integration programme is compulsory for recognised refugees, and possible sanctions for refusing to follow such a programme. 
Hoofdthema: Integration, Ad Hoc Queries
Publicatietype: EMN Reports & studies
Trefwoorden: reintegration programmes

Publicatie datum: 20 februari 2019

Deze EMN studie onderzoekt de huidige maatregelen in de lidstaten en Noorwegen die integratie van derdelanders op de arbeidsmarkt faciliteren. De studie identificeert eveneens goede praktijken van publieke en private actoren op dit domein. 
Hoofdthema: Integratie
Publicatietype: Thematische Studies
Trefwoorden: labour market, labour market integration

Publicatie datum: 31 januari 2019

The 25th edition of the EMN Bulletin provides up-to-date information on recent migration and international protection policy developments at EU and national level, including the latest relevant published statistics.  
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Publicatietype: EMN bulletin
Trefwoorden: EMN Bulletin

Publicatie datum: 17 december 2018

This final report, realised by the Study and Policy Unit of the Federal Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (Fedasil), describes the reception of vulnerable applicants for international protection with specific needs. It discusses how (field) staff define, identify and respond to vulnerability in practice. The objective is to develop a better understanding of the way in which Fedasil and its reception partners fulfill the requirement of Belgian and European legislation to meet the specific needs of applicants for international protection.
Hoofdthema: Vulnerable groups
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: reception, special needs, vulnerability

Publicatie datum: 23 november 2018

The strategic partnership of the European Council for Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) published “The Way Forward – A reflection paper on the new proposals for EU funds on Asylum, Migration and Integration 2021-2027”. This reflection paper addresses the proposals of most relevance to beneficiaries of the current Asylum Migration & Integration Fund (AMIF) 2014-20, and those that are proposed to be implemented by Member States via ‘shared management’ arrangements (National Programmes). It concentrates mainly on the proposed Asylum & Migration Fund (AMF) and European Social Fund+ (ESF+).
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Publicatietype: Opinion
Trefwoorden: AMIF

Publicatie datum: 26 oktober 2018

De 24ste editie van het EMN Bulletin bevat up-to-date informatie over recente ontwikkelingen in de EU en op nationaal niveau op vlak van migratie en internationale bescherming. Ook de laatste statistieken en publicaties zijn erin opgenomen.
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectionaal
Publicatietype: EMN bulletin
Trefwoorden: EMN Bulletin

Publicatie datum: 09 oktober 2018

In deze Myriatics stelt Myria o.a. vast dat er een stijgend aandeel immigraties is uit de nieuwe EU-lidstaten, een proportionele daling van de immigraties uit de landen van de EU-15, een aanzienlijke en recente vermindering van de immigraties van Marokkanen en Turken en, tot slot, een toename van de immigraties uit West-Azië, in het bijzonder uit landen in oorlog.
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectionaal, Migratie
Publicatietype: Studie
Trefwoorden: migration flows

Publicatie datum: 08 oktober 2018

De influx van asielzoeker tussen 2014 en 2016 heeft de bewustwording vergroot over de verschillen in standaarden van sociale voordelen en maatregelen voor rechten die uitgeoefend worden door begunstigden van internationale bescherming in de EU lidstaten en Noorwegen. De herziening van de Kwalificatierichtlijn (2011/95/EC), de Gezinsherenigingsrichtlijn (2003/86/EC) en andere evoluties hebben de basis gelegd voor een uitgebreid overzicht van de verschillende sociale voordelen en rechten toegekend aan begunstigden van internationale bescherming.    
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectionaal
Publicatietype: EMN inform
Trefwoorden: social benefits

Publicatie datum: 06 september 2018

Het jaarlijks rapport van het EMN geeft een overzicht van de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen op het vlak van migratie en asiel in België en in de EU in 2017.

Publicatie datum: 31 augustus 2018

This paper, which is entitled 'The EU’s New Migration Partnership with Mali: Shifting towards a Risky Security-Migration-Development Nexus', seeks to understand why and how the EU has been redefining its migration strategy regarding Mali.
Hoofdthema: External Dimension
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: Migration Partnership

Publicatie datum: 09 augustus 2018

This EMN study focuses on the approaches to Unaccompanied Minors following status determination in the EU plus Norway. The study covers the period 2014-2017, thereby following up on previous EMN research on unaccompanied minors.
Hoofdthema: Vulnerable groups
Publicatietype: Thematic Studies
Trefwoorden: unaccompanied minors

Publicatie datum: 09 augustus 2018

This Inform summarises the main results of the EMN study on “Approaches to Unaccompanied Minors Following Status Determination in the EU plus Norway”.
Hoofdthema: Vulnerable groups
Publicatietype: EMN inform
Trefwoorden: unaccompanied minors

Publicatie datum: 07 augustus 2018

De 23ste editie van het EMN Bulletin bevat up-to-date informatie over recente ontwikkelingen in de EU en op nationaal niveau op vlak van migratie en internationale bescherming. Ook de laatste statistieken en publicaties zijn erin opgenomen.
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectionaal
Publicatietype: EMN bulletin
Trefwoorden: EMN Bulletin

Publicatie datum: 26 juni 2018

In dit jaarlijkse rapport analyseert Myria de migratie-actualiteit en toetst daarbij het beleid en de praktijk aan het respect voor de grondrechten. Myria trekt daarbij conclusies en formuleert beleidsaanbevelingen.

Publicatie datum: 29 mei 2018

This publication takes stock of recent EU developments in the area of asylum, borders and external cooperation on migration.

    Publicatie datum: 17 mei 2018

    This new policy brief offers a critical analysis of the reignited trend of externalised EU migration policies that appear to be moving towards a model of offshore processing, as used by Australia. By looking at the proposed CEAS reform, it lays out the fundamental concerns connected with the use of such a model and notes the flaws in the economic and “migration management” justifications for offshoring.
    Hoofdthema: External Dimension
    Publicatietype: Study
    Trefwoorden: externalised EU migration policies

    Publicatie datum: 17 mei 2018

    Ter ere van de 10de verjaardag van het EMN werd een rapport opgesteld. Dit rapport verschaft een overzicht van de belangrijkste trends inzake asiel- en migratiestromen van het voorbije decennium. Het rapport gaat ook dieper in op de bijdragen van het EMN aan het asiel- en migratiebeleid.
    Hoofdthema: Cross-sectionaal
    Publicatietype: EMN inform
    Trefwoorden: anniversary

    Publicatie datum: 16 mei 2018

    One of the greatest challenges facing twenty-first century Europe is the mass migration and integration of refugees who cross borders in search of safer lives. This report of the European Foundation for Democracy analyses the wide-ranging issues relating to the integration of refugees in seven European countries, including Belgium) and presents our key findings – both in terms of good practices and areas for concern – as well as recommendations for change.
    Hoofdthema: Integration
    Publicatietype: Report
    Trefwoorden: social inclusion

    Publicatie datum: 09 mei 2018

    The Belgian Federal Migration Centre Myria, published a statistical paper on the issue of the ageing of the population and the role of immigration, a major demographic challenge for European societies.
    Hoofdthema: Data & Statistics
    Trefwoorden: demography, population ageing

    Publicatie datum: 01 februari 2018

    This updated report assesses how the presence of persons in need of protection affect the local communities in terms of housing, education, local economy and social responses
    Hoofdthema: Integration
    Publicatietype: Report
    Trefwoorden: local community, fundamental rights

    Publicatie datum: 10 januari 2018

    The third socioeconomic monitoring includes data from 2013-2014, enlarges the analyzed age group and includes new variables - such as the level of education - and themes - such as the public sector - to better understand participation in the labour market according to the origin.
    Hoofdthema: Integration
    Publicatietype: Report

    Publicatie datum: 09 januari 2018

    Over a period of two years, a UNICEF Belgium team collected the testimonies of 170 migrant and refugee children from 36 nationalities in reception centres and schools. The children talk about their experiences in their country of origin and their new environment, the disaster they fled for, the trials they endured on the way, their joy and sorrow. With this report UNICEF wants to build a bridge between the words of these young people, who are very keen on participation, and policy makers who are often far removed from their reality.
    Hoofdthema: Vulnerable groups
    Publicatietype: Report
    Trefwoorden: unaccompanied minors