Publication date: 25 April 2023

How can countries and people better benefit from migration? How can refugees be protected, and their means of livelihood secured? How should the world deal with changes in global demographics? These issues are addressed in the World Bank's World Development Report 2023.
Main theme: Cross-sectional
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: demography, climate change, migration management

Publication date: 09 May 2018

The Belgian Federal Migration Centre Myria, published a statistical paper on the issue of the ageing of the population and the role of immigration, a major demographic challenge for European societies.

Publication date: 18 December 2017

The International Migration Report 2017 reviews the latest migration trends, assesses the demographic contribution of migration, examines the status of ratification of relevant conventions and summarizes recent developments on migration at the United Nations. 
Main theme: Cross-sectional, External Dimension
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: demography

Publication date: 01 November 2016

This report considers how integration challenges in Europe differ from, and complicate, existing challenges of fragmentation and social unrest in European countries. It assesses where integration has worked—and where it hasn’t—and analyzes the prognosis for the most recent cohort of newcomers.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: labour market integration, demography

Publication date: 08 August 2012

This chapter recently published in "Arab Society in Revolt" reviews demographic trends and asks to what extent immigration can help in addressing demographic challenges. It focus on the Arab Mediterranean region, interpreting emigration and revolt as two possible responses of the young.

Publication date: 11 May 2011

The Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (Centre) published a statistical report, carried out by the UCL

Publication date: 30 March 2011

What about the role demography could play in the research on the causes of international population movements? This Paper aims at analysing this role and also analyses the intersection of future demographic trends with possible labour market developments

Publication date: 28 December 2010

Ms Joëlle Milquet, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Employment and Equal Opportunities responsible for migration and asylum policy, asked the European Economic and Social Committee to draw up an exploratory opinion on the role of legal immigration in the context of demographic challenges.

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Today the European Commission launched the Knowledge Center on Migration and Demography (KCMD) to support migration and demography related EU policies.
Main theme: Migration
Keywords: demography, knowledge center

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The joint European Commission-OECD report on Matching Economic Migration with Labour Market Needs shows that migration and mobility have a key role to play to address demographic decline and skills shortages in the EU.