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The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the substantial measures taken by EU and OECD countries to prevent the spread of the virus are having direct and indirect impacts on international students coming to those countries. While the long-term consequences are difficult to predict, the immediate impacts are already visible, for example, the processing of new applications or renewing of residence permits has in many cases been hindered or suspended, with consequences for international students already present in the host country. In addition, the abrupt downturn in economic activity has had a significant impact across many sectors, with international students facing the loss of their part time jobs or reduced or lost incomes, which could have an impact on their ability to continue their studies or find a job or start a business following their graduation.
When17 september 2020
Hoofdthema: Study § Training
Trefwoorden: international students

Each year, the Odysseus Network organizes a Summer School in EU immigration and asylum law and policy. The courses tackle the most recent legislative, jurisprudential and political developments in the field at EU level.
When24 augustus 2020
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Trefwoorden: Odysseus netwerk

Fedasil presenteert in zijn Balans 2019 de belangrijkste gebeurtenissen en cijfers over opvang, vrijwillige terugkeer en hervestiging van het voorbije jaar. Het overzicht toont een toename van het aantal personen dat werd opgevangen en voor wie vorig jaar meer dan 5000 tijdelijke plaatsen werden geopend. 
When03 juli 2020
Hoofdthema: Opvang
Trefwoorden: asiel

Op 25 juni 2020 lanceert het Europees Ondersteuningsbureau voor Asielzaken (EASO) zijn jaarlijks rapport 2020. Omwille van de COVID-19 situatie, houdt EASO dit jaar een online event om de bevindingen in het rapport, evenals de asieltendensen in de EU te presenteren en te bespreken. 
When25 juni 2020

The event will serve to launch the 2019 edition of the EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum. It also seeks to provide the latest information on Member States responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
When17 juni 2020
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Trefwoorden: annual EMN policy event

The Academy of European Law organises its Annual Conference on European Immigration Law.The aim of the conference is to provide legal practitioners with an update on recent developments in the EU legal migration system and the mechanisms put in place to tackle labour and skills shortages and to reinforce the attractiveness of the EU for key workers.  
When27 april 2020
Hoofdthema: Migration
Trefwoorden: ERA

The International Forum on Migration Statistics (IFMS) is a global platform devoted to improving data on migration in all its dimensions. Organised by IOM, OECD and UN DESA, the IFMS offers space for dialogue for a broad range of actors, from national and regional authorities, NGOs, international agencies and the private sector. 
When20 januari 2020
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Trefwoorden: migration statistics

Op 10 december 2019 organiseert EMN België zijn jaarlijks policy event over asiel en migratie, waarbij recente nationale en EU ontwikkelingen op het vlak van internationale bescherming, legale migratie en integratie en irreguliere migratie en terugkeer worden besproken.
When10 december 2019

The Annual National Conference of the EMN Luxembourg on “Attracting start-up founders and innovative entrepreneurs from third countries” will be held on the 1st October in Esch-sur-Alzette.
When01 oktober 2019
Hoofdthema: Economic migration
Trefwoorden: entrepreneurs

The Annual National Conference of the EMN Portugal on the theme “Migration, Asylum and Statistics”, is scheduled to be held on the 18th of September in Lisbon.  
When18 september 2019
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Trefwoorden: Statistics

Each year, the Odysseus Network organizes a Summer School in EU immigration and asylum law and policy. The courses tackle the most recent legislative, jurisprudential and political developments in the field at EU level.  
When01 juli 2019
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Trefwoorden: immigration law

On May 27, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, European Commission and European Migration Network organise the International Conference “A New European Agenda on Migration?”. During this event, experts will share their views on the achievements, challenges and perspectives of integration and migration policies in Europe.
When27 mei 2019

Op 18 januari organiseert Myria, samen met samen met de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, de Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique en Le Soir, een grote conferentie over migratie. Die vindt plaats in het Paleis der Academiën in Brussel. Een dag lang worden thema’s als internationale bescherming en economische migratie aangesneden aan de hand van academische uiteenzettingen.
When18 januari 2019

The ChildMove project represents a unique attempt to follow young refugees and migrants as they travel from Libya and Turkey to European shores and onwards, and to allow young people themselves to speak of what it means to be on the move. Join the Migration Policy Institute Europe and Ghent University for a morning coffee and discussion of this ground-breaking study of the experiences of young refugees and migrants who have travelled across Europe, unaccompanied by their families
When27 november 2018
Hoofdthema: Vulnerable groups
Trefwoorden: unaccompanied minors

In 2018, the annual Metropolis conference will take place in Sydney from 29 October to 2 November. The theme for this year’s conference is 'Global Migration in Turbulent Times'.
When29 oktober 2018
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Trefwoorden: metropolis

This conference seeks to shed light on the interesting topic of returning third-country nationals who have entered or stayed irregularly in the EU, as well as on their subsequent reintegration.
When23 oktober 2018
Hoofdthema: Return & Readmission
Trefwoorden: reintegration

This conference will provide an opportunity to exchange good practices used in creating and maintaining partner relations between diasporas and their countries of origin acknowledging the important role they have in their countries’ development.
When22 oktober 2018
Hoofdthema: External Dimension
Trefwoorden: diaspora

This conference will seek to discuss global migration trends, the role of the EU, as well as the external dimensions of the EU migration policy. 
When04 oktober 2018
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Trefwoorden: Austria

This year seminar will be focused on vulnerabilities of migrants in the current global migration context. 
When22 augustus 2018
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Trefwoorden: Slovakia

The 15th IMISCOE Annual Conference will take place in Barcelona, 2 - 4 July 2018. The conference covers the theme "Europe, migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenges". 
When02 juli 2018
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional

Each year, the Odysseus Network organizes a summer school in EU immigration and asylum law and policy. The courses tackle the most recent legislative, jurisprudential and political developments in the field at EU level.  
When02 juli 2018
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Trefwoorden: Training

On the occasion of the publication of its annual report "Migration in rights and numbers: family life in jeopardy", Myria organizes a conference in the Belgian Senate on June 26.     
When26 juni 2018
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Trefwoorden: family reunification right

This second edition Summer School aims to provide participants with knowledge about Europe related diversity and migration issues, with a focus on EU response as well as local experiences and processes in this field.
When25 juni 2018
Hoofdthema: Migration
Trefwoorden: diversity

This conference is entitled 'Sustainable migrration from poor to rich countries - Towards a new refugee and migration system?'. It will address the challenges and sustainability of today’s migration. There is a growing call for a more holistic and sustainable approach to migration policy.
When21 juni 2018
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional

On the occasion of the world refugee day, many activities are planned in Belgium. Informal meetings, concerts, exhibitions, theatre and other events are proposed in different cities to celebrate and share this special day!
When20 juni 2018
Hoofdthema: Asylum