Publication date: 02 December 2013

On 27 November the first edition of the Flemish Migration and Integration Monitor was launched. The report contains administrative and statistical data on migration and integration processes in Flanders, within a Belgian and European framework.
Main theme: Integration, Data & Statistics, Migration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: diversity

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In the context of growing diversity and societal polarisation within European municipalities and cities, the Government of Flanders is inviting mayors and local government officials to gather for sharing insights, mutual learning, and cooperative exploration on advancing diversity policies and enhancing social cohesion collectively.
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: diversity, Social cohesion

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The 4th edition of the annual Migration & Health Seminar, jointly organised by the Institute of Tropical Medicine and the University of Antwerp (MIGLOBA; previously CEMIS), will focus on mental health and migration.

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Today a social profit fair took place in Antwerp as part of the project “Every talent counts (in social profit)”. At these regional social profit fairs, persons with a migratory background are put into contact with diversity-oriented employers, training institutions, and supporting organizations such as VDAB and the Agency for Integration and Civic Integration.
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: diversity, talent

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This second edition Summer School aims to provide participants with knowledge about Europe related diversity and migration issues, with a focus on EU response as well as local experiences and processes in this field.
Main theme: Migration
Keywords: diversity

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Considering youth as powerful agents for social change, this festival invites young people to address key challenges related to migrant integration, inclusiveness, identity, diversity, human rights and social cohesiveness.
Main theme: Migration
Keywords: diversity, social integration

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The IOM Country Office for Belgium and Luxembourg will participate in the 20 Km of Brussels, getting together runners and joggers from 121 different nationalities. Even if you are not a top runner, you are welcome to join!
Main theme: Migration
Keywords: diversity, migrant heroe