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Six years after the promotion of a “new approach to a new neighbourhood” following the 2011 uprisings, what is the state of play of EU’s cooperation with the MENA region in the field of migration and asylum? This session will allow to reflect on the EU's external cooperation in the field of migration and asylum with South and East Mediterranean countries.
When13 februari 2017
Hoofdthema: External Dimension
Trefwoorden: Mediterranean

Today is the opening of a photo exhibition focusing on Melilla, Europe's Southern border. This exhibition is the outcome of a one year and a half project initiated by four youths graduated in journalism.
When10 februari 2017
Hoofdthema: Borders & Visa
Trefwoorden: photo, Melilla, border control

The Odysseus Annual Conference 2017 is entitled "Beyond the crisis? The State of Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in the EU". It will critically assess developments that took place in 2016, and look into 2017.
When10 februari 2017
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration
Trefwoorden: Odysseus Network

Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen organizes an evening event on the subject of international protection. The programme includes a dance performance, a debate, a movie screening and a concert.
When31 januari 2017

On 27 January, the Migration Policy Institute organizes a webinar on "European Union Third-Country Partnerships: Where Do We Go From Here?"
When27 januari 2017
Hoofdthema: Migration
Trefwoorden: MPI, cooperation

De Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering organiseert een vorming over  het verblijfsrecht en tewerkstelling van mensen die in België voor ambassades, consultaten en internationale instellingen werken. Ook de problematiek van het huispersoneel komt aan bod.
When24 januari 2017
Hoofdthema: Migratie
Trefwoorden: diplomaat

Het Europees Platform over Staatloosheid, de VN Hoge Commissaris voor de Vluchtelingen en het Europees Migratienetwerk the European hebben een conferentie georganiseerd over "Addressing Statelessness in the European Union, One year on from the adoption of European Council Conclusions". 
When18 januari 2017
Hoofdthema: Kwetsbare groepen
Trefwoorden: staatlozen

Ter gelegenheid van de Internationale Dag van de Migrant, wordt de film "Reis zonder terugkeer" vertoond en daarna bediscussieerd door migratiedeskundigen en migranten.
When16 december 2016
Hoofdthema: Migratie
Trefwoorden: Cour de justice de l'UE, Suède

This full day conference addresses current responses to the ongoing refugee crisis, providing an opportunity to highlight best practices and challenges.
When15 december 2016
Hoofdthema: International Protection
Trefwoorden: refugee crisis

The 5 days training programme focuses on the issues of residence, international protection, employment and social assistance, private international law, citizenship, and integration processes.
When15 december 2016
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration, Cross-sectional
Trefwoorden: migration law

Social networks and online classified sites are being used by traffickers to market, recruit, sell their services. This conference looks into this issue and its impact in more depth.
When13 december 2016
Hoofdthema: Smuggling & Trafficking
Trefwoorden: Slovakia

Civil society organizations that have experience in the issue of migrants' access to Europe, services and rights, and that wish to actively contribute to the European Migration Forum, must submit their application form no later than today!
When12 december 2016

In 2016, the annual Metropolis conference will take place in Aichi-Nagoya (Japan) fro 24 to 28 October and will focus on the theme: creating trust through wisdom on migration and integration.
When28 oktober 2016
Hoofdthema: Asiel, Migratie, Cross-sectionaal
Trefwoorden: metropolis, Japan

The REDIAL conference proposes for discussion some of the most contentious issues in the implementation of the Return Directive.
When21 oktober 2016
Hoofdthema: Return & Readmission
Trefwoorden: return directive

CEMO organises a study morning in Brussels on the topic of the experience of exile through family reunification: myths, procedures and uprooting.
When18 oktober 2016
Hoofdthema: Gezinshereniging en -vorming
Trefwoorden: CEMO, exile

The Finnish Contact Point of the EMN organizes this conference to present and discuss the outcomes of the EMN study on the return of rejected asylum-seekers.
When30 september 2016
Hoofdthema: Return & Readmission
Trefwoorden: return, Grèce

The Hungarian Contact Point of the EMN is organizing this conference to examine different examples of international cooperation to address statelessness.
When29 september 2016
Hoofdthema: Statelessness
Trefwoorden: statelessness

Deze nieuwe cursus heeft als doel de deelnemers te informeren over het wetgevend kader van de Europees Unie en de komende hervormingen op het vlak van migratie en asiel. Tel.: +32 50 47 71 11 Email: info@coleurope.eu
When26 september 2016
Hoofdthema: Asiel

The Greek Contact Point of the EMN organizes a national conference to examine policies and best practices implemented to address ghetto formation and the impacts in terms of social cohesion, economic and cultural development.
When23 september 2016
Hoofdthema: Integration
Trefwoorden: return desk, Police

How can social innovation and social innovators contribute to the integration of refugees in European societies? This is the topic that will be addressed during ECRE's 2-day seminar.
When13 september 2016
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Integration
Trefwoorden: ECRE, refugee, social innovation

The 16th edition of the Odysseus Summer School on EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy will take place from 4 to 15 July 2016 in Brussels.
When15 juli 2016

Op 6 en 7 juli zal het Slovaakse Nationale Contactpunt van het EMN - in het kader van het Slovaakse voorzitterschap van de EU - de jaarlijkse EMN conferentie organiseren over terugkeer en samenwerking met de landen van herkomst.
Hoofdthema: Terugkeer & Readmissie
Trefwoorden: land van herkomst

The 13th IMISCOE annual conference focuses on the migration-development nexus, and a number of more general subjects including global diversity issues.
When30 juni 2016
Hoofdthema: Migration
Trefwoorden: migration-development nexus

What can research and practice teach us on how to improve the situation of women and girls refugees and migrants? This meeting will inter alia address this question.
When28 juni 2016

"Europe’s crisis: What future for immigration and asylum law and policy?" This question will be addressed during the two days conference organized by the Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) in London.
When27 juni 2016