Publication date: 23 October 2023

The 2023 edition of International Migration Outlook analyses recent developments in migration movements and the labour market inclusion of immigrants in OECD countries. It also monitors recent policy changes in migration governance and integration in OECD countries. This edition includes two special chapters on the labour market integration of migrant mothers and on fertility patterns among migrant populations in OECD countries. The Outlook also includes country notes and a detailed statistical annex.

Publication date: 05 October 2023

This study offers a thorough and current examination of the legislation, policies and practices related to the integration of international protection applicants into the job market in EMN Member Countries. It offers an overview of the various stakeholders responsible for implementing labour market accessibility and highlights both the challenges encountered and examples of good practices.

Publication date: 15 June 2023

This joint OECD-European Commission publication presents a comprehensive comparison of the integration outcomes of immigrants and their children in OECD, EU and selected other countries. It includes 83 indicators covering three main areas: labour market and skills; living conditions; and civic engagement and social integration. The publication also provides detailed data on the characteristics of immigrant populations and households. 

Publication date: 20 February 2019

This EMN study examines the measures in place in the Member States and Norway to facilitate the integration of third-country nationals on the labour market. The study also identifies good practices from public and private actors.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Thematic Studies
Keywords: labour market, labour market integration

Publication date: 01 March 2017

This report identifies concrete actions that could be taken to better leverage European Union soft law, funding, and knowledge exchange mechanisms to support cities’ activities when it comes to labour market integration.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: labour market integration

Publication date: 01 November 2016

This report considers how integration challenges in Europe differ from, and complicate, existing challenges of fragmentation and social unrest in European countries. It assesses where integration has worked—and where it hasn’t—and analyzes the prognosis for the most recent cohort of newcomers.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: labour market integration, demography

Publication date: 01 October 2016

This MPI report provides an overview of the barriers to the successful labor market integration of refugees and asylum seekers across all skills levels, and analyzes the targeted support initiatives and structural policy levers available to overcome them.
Main theme: International Protection, Integration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: labour market integration

Publication date: 03 August 2016

This EMN Inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Study "Integration of beneficiaries of international protection into the labour market in Belgium and in the EU".

Publication date: 26 May 2016

This EMN study describes the labour market participation of beneficiaries of international protection and provides an overview of support measures that can facilitate labour market participation.

Publication date: 05 May 2015

This Policy Brief from the Institute for European Studies examines whether Belgium’s complex federal state structure can help explain the country’s poor performance regarding labour market participation of people with an immigrant background.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: labour market integration

Publication date: 02 March 2015

As Belgium does not yet have many mentoring projects, the King Baudouin Foundation decided to explore this area while also looking at practices in other countries.

Publication date: 19 February 2015

An Analysis of the Labour Market Careers of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Belgium
Main theme: Asylum, Integration, Data & Statistics
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: employment, labour market integration

Publication date: 03 December 2014

This flagship publication on migration analyses recent developments in migration movements and policies in OECD countries and selected non-OECD countries.

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As labour and skills shortages have been increasing and are expected to continue rising over the coming decades in all EU Member States, the European Commission published an action plan setting out key measures that the EU, Member States and social partners should take in the short to medium term to address this challenge. 

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The International Migration Outlook 2023, published today by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), highlights inter alia that permanent-type migration to OECD countries increased by 26% in 2022 compared with 2021. In Belgium and in many OECD countries, permanent-type migration was higher in 2022 than in any of the previous 15 years. 

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The European Migration Network (EMN) Glossary is an essential resource, which offers an EU-wide multidisciplinary vocabulary of approximately 500 terms and concepts related to asylum and migration. Let's focus today on the term "access to employment" to make sure we have a common understanding and use of the term!

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The European Migration Network organizes a webinar to present its recently published study on "Integration of applicants for international protection in the labour market". Limitations, challenges and good practices will be highlighted and discussed.

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At today’s Tent Partnership for Refugees' European Business Summit in Paris, 41 leading companies have collectively announced ambitious commitments to provide over 250,000 Ukrainian refugee women and other refugees with jobs and training across Europe. The commitments being made will strengthen companies’ workforces, fill labor gaps, and boost European economies.
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: labour market integration

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The First Rome Dialogue on Jobs and Migration will focus on the Labour market integration of refugees and asylum seekers. It will discuss the pros and cons of different schemes, including some new hybrid alternatives that are being tested.
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: labour market integration

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The meeting put institutional stakeholders and the private sector around the table, to exchange experiences and knowledge regarding the future EU Talent Pool and other databases.

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This Innovation Challenge will support studies focused on the effectiveness of new solutions (interventions, data/tools, policy actions) which improve cross-border labor mobility and labor market integration of international migrants and refugees. Interested participants must submit their Expression of Interest by 31 January 2023.

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The Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee are organising a conference on "From Crisis Management Towards Everyday Practice: Lessons from the refugees' integration for future labour market and social policies", on 6 November in Brussels.
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: labour market integration

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The Migration Policy Institute Europe (MPI Europe), the United States Mission to the European Union, the Mission of Canada to the European Union, and the European Economic and Social Committee will organise a conference on 'Social innovation for refugee inclusion: Maintaining momentum and creating lasting change'.   
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: labour market integration

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The Belgian Contact Point of the EMN organised a conference on labour market participation of beneficiaries of international protection. The event took place on the 8th of November in Brussels (Résidence Palace).

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On 29 June in Paris, the French NCP of the EMN organised a conference with the objective to discuss labour market integration of beneficiaires of international protection and specific support measures targetting this group, as well as to provide a comparative European perspective.