Publication date: 02 May 2017

How to stimulate unaccompanied young adult refugees’ inclusion in society? This report discusses cohousing and case management for unaccompanied young adult refugees in Antwerp (CURANT), a social policy intervention combining intensive individualized guidance, cohabitation with a local flatmate, training and therapy with the aim of supporting social integration. The stakeholders’ underlying assumptions are untangled, and the intervention’s core ideas are connected with academic literature.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: inclusion, social assistance, Social cohesion, Training

Publication date: 03 December 2014

This policy brief is part of a series produced by the SIRIUS Network in collaboration with MPI Europe, which focuses on how policies at the EU level and within individual Member States can better support the education outcomes of young people with a migrant background.

Publication date:

In the context of growing diversity and societal polarisation within European municipalities and cities, the Government of Flanders is inviting mayors and local government officials to gather for sharing insights, mutual learning, and cooperative exploration on advancing diversity policies and enhancing social cohesion collectively.
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: diversity, Social cohesion

Publication date:

Migrants from third countries represent around four percent of the total EU population. The composition of EU's population is thus changing. This leads to new conditions for social cohesion and government response to public concerns.