Publicatie datum: 01 augustus 2023

New research carried out in the context of the Equality Law Clinic at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) focuses on the EU Single Permit Directive and shares concerns regarding the complexity and efficiency of the application (and renewal) procedure, the exclusion of certain categories of migrants from the scope of the Directive and the lack of protection of migrant workers from exploitation.
Hoofdthema: Economic migration
Publicatietype: Study
Trefwoorden: single permit directive

Publicatie datum: 23 januari 2023

This report maps out the existing uses of new technologies across European immigration and asylum systems both at the national and the EU level. It is the first outcome of the Algorithmic Fairness and Asylum Seekers and Refugees (AFAR) Project, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: technologies, automation

Publicatie datum: 22 december 2022

How do medium-sized cities deal with the newcomers, the “international talent”? This book focuses on “incoming” internationalization driven by the attraction, facilitation, and integration of skilled migrants in urban settings, taking a policy perspective.
Hoofdthema: Integration
Publicatietype: Study
Trefwoorden: cities, mentoring, skilled migrants

Publicatie datum: 18 november 2022

This discussion paper stands against the immigration detention of minors, even used as a measure of last resort, and calls for implementing meaningful alternatives to detention during return procedures. It also recommends mandating the collection of data on this matter.

Publicatie datum: 01 mei 2019

This MPI Europe report explores the various forms of predeparture orientation programs offered by resettlement countries. It focuses on important design questions and identifies a set of features shared by effective programs.
Hoofdthema: Integration, International Protection
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: resettlement, assimilation

Publicatie datum: 15 april 2019

A new report published by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung shows how attitudes across Europe have changed before and after the 2015 migration ‘crisis’ and tries to explain what has driven those changes. Using data from the European Social Survey, the report’s authors find that, overall, perceptions of migration have remained both neutral and stable before and after the ‘crisis’. But there are a few countries that have become significantly more positive about migrants, as well as a few that have become significantly more negative.
Hoofdthema: Integration
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: attitude towards migration

Publicatie datum: 08 november 2018

This research, commissioned for the eighteenth plenary meeting of the Transatlantic Council of Migration, an initiative of the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), examines the entanglement of immigration with broader concerns about the economic, social and cultural effects of globalization, as well as the public’s growing lack of confidence in government to manage issues such as immigration.

Publicatie datum: 31 augustus 2018

This paper, which is entitled 'The EU’s New Migration Partnership with Mali: Shifting towards a Risky Security-Migration-Development Nexus', seeks to understand why and how the EU has been redefining its migration strategy regarding Mali.
Hoofdthema: External Dimension
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: Migration Partnership

Publicatie datum: 17 mei 2018

This new policy brief offers a critical analysis of the reignited trend of externalised EU migration policies that appear to be moving towards a model of offshore processing, as used by Australia. By looking at the proposed CEAS reform, it lays out the fundamental concerns connected with the use of such a model and notes the flaws in the economic and “migration management” justifications for offshoring.
Hoofdthema: External Dimension
Publicatietype: Study
Trefwoorden: externalised EU migration policies

Publicatie datum: 30 september 2017

This report points to the need for reform in the European asylum system. There is a need for a more balanced distribution of asylum seekers between the Member States and more uniform decision-making on asylum within the EU. The authors argue that a person seeking asylum should have the same chance of being granted asylum irrespective of the country in which the application is made. 
Hoofdthema: Asylum, International Protection
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: CEAS

Publicatie datum: 19 mei 2017

In the wake of the refugee crisis and in reaction to terrorist attacks, European governments are seeking tighter control over the whereabouts of migrants and refugees. This policy paper sheds light on EU rules regulating the detention of applicants for international protection, how they are currently implemented by Member States, and the ongoing reform process.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: detention

Publicatie datum: 02 mei 2017

Hoe kan men de integratie in de samenleving van niet-begeleide jongvolwassen vluchtelingen bevorderen? Dit rapport bespreekt ‘cohousing’ en ‘case management’ voor niet-begeleide jongvolwassen vluchtelingen in Antwerpen (CURANT), een sociale beleidsmaatregel waarbij intensieve geïndividualiseerde begeleiding gecombineerd wordt met samenwonen met een lokale huisgenoot, training en therapie met als doel de sociale integratie te ondersteunen. De onderliggende veronderstellingen van de stakeholders worden onderzocht en de kernideeën van de interventie worden in verband gebracht met academische literatuur.
Hoofdthema: Integratie
Publicatietype: Rapport
Trefwoorden: inclusion, social assistance, Social cohesion, Training

Publicatie datum: 17 maart 2017

This policy brief examines how the unprecedented influx of asylum seekers has led to the fragmentation of the Dublin system. The flaws of the Dublin system are analysed, and the Commission’s proposal for the recast of the Dublin system is looked into.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Publicatietype: Opinion
Trefwoorden: Dublin Regulation

Publicatie datum: 01 maart 2017

This report identifies concrete actions that could be taken to better leverage European Union soft law, funding, and knowledge exchange mechanisms to support cities’ activities when it comes to labour market integration.
Hoofdthema: Integration
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: labour market integration

Publicatie datum: 14 februari 2017

Eritrea is de afgelopen tien jaar een van de grootste herkomstlanden van vluchtelingen en asielzoekers ter wereld. Het dominante verhaal dat deze trend verklaart, heeft betrekking op de combinatie van een zeer autoritaire en gemilitariseerde staatsstructuur, een oneindig en misbruikend nationaal dienstprogramma en brutale, wijdverspreide en systematische schendingen van de mensenrechten. Dit dominante verhaal is echter de afgelopen jaren steeds meer in vraag gesteld door degenen die beweren dat migratie uit Eritrea overwegend door economische aspiraties wordt gedreven en dat de Eritreërs eigenlijk een stagnerende economie ontvluchten die de burgers een levensvatbare toekomst ontneemt. Dit rapport, door Andreas Holm Røsberg en Kjetil Tronvoll, wil de verschillende visies op migratie uit Eritrea verduidelijken.
Hoofdthema: Migratie
Publicatietype: Rapport
Trefwoorden: economic migration

Publicatie datum: 01 december 2016

A surge of refugees and asylum seekers has strained the continent. The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) argues that managing the asylum procedure and integrating those refugees well, could not only mitigate risks but also benefit the economy.
Hoofdthema: Integration
Publicatietype: Study
Trefwoorden: employment

Publicatie datum: 20 juli 2016

This report by MPI explores the factors that can set the stage for public anxiety about immigration, and proposes a series of strategies to respond to these concerns.
Hoofdthema: Migration
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: MPI, public anxiety, public perception

Publicatie datum: 10 mei 2016

What image do irregular migrants and their representatives have of voluntary return? Is voluntary return well-known? These topics are the focus of a study carried out by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL).
Hoofdthema: Irregular Migration, Return & Readmission
Publicatietype: Study
Trefwoorden: voluntary return

Publicatie datum: 19 augustus 2015

Dit rapport focust op het toelatingsbeleid voor derdelanders in België, in het bijzonder wat betreft gezinshereniging, arbeidsmigratie en studentenmigratie. Het vergelijkt ook het Belgisch beleid met dat van de andere lidstaten.
Hoofdthema: Migratie
Publicatietype: Rapport

Publicatie datum: 05 mei 2015

This Policy Brief from the Institute for European Studies examines whether Belgium’s complex federal state structure can help explain the country’s poor performance regarding labour market participation of people with an immigrant background.
Hoofdthema: Integration
Publicatietype: Study
Trefwoorden: labour market integration

Publicatie datum: 08 april 2015

This Report makes the case of the complexity of the drivers favoring displacements as refugees, making protection based on a strict definition of persecution increasingly problematic and challenging to implement.

Publicatie datum: 19 maart 2015

This policy brief of the Migration Policy Insitute (MPI) addresses the underlying mechanisms of policymaking around migration and asylum at the EU level and identifies areas in which the EU institutions must reform to have the desired effect on the ground.
Hoofdthema: International Protection
Publicatietype: Opinion
Trefwoorden: European Agenda on Migration

Publicatie datum: 13 maart 2015

In deze nieuwe beleidsnota beschfijt Luigi Achilli van het Migration Policy Centre (MPC) de situatie van Syrische vluchtelingen bij UNHCR zijn geregistreerd in Jordanië, de Europese aanpak en de wijzigende houding van de Jordaanse overheid.
Hoofdthema: Externe Dimensie
Publicatietype: Rapport
Trefwoorden: hervestiging

Publicatie datum: 05 maart 2015

In this dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor at Maastricht University, Marieke van Houte shows that the expectations on which migration and development policies are based only apply to a small minority of returnees, who are not the group that is targeted by these policies.

Publicatie datum: 19 februari 2015

Analyse van de loopbaantrajecten van asielzoekers en vluchtelingen in België
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Publicatietype: Studie
Trefwoorden: tewerkstelling