Publication date: 22 December 2022

How do medium-sized cities deal with the newcomers, the “international talent”? This book focuses on “incoming” internationalization driven by the attraction, facilitation, and integration of skilled migrants in urban settings, taking a policy perspective.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: cities, mentoring, skilled migrants

Publication date: 02 March 2015

As Belgium does not yet have many mentoring projects, the King Baudouin Foundation decided to explore this area while also looking at practices in other countries.

Publication date:

For 10 years now, the Duo for a Job association has aimed inter alia to help eliminate inequalities in access to the labour market for young people with a migrant background. Results are conclusive as seven out of ten young people successfully find a stable job, an internship or training that leads them to the job they initially wanted.  
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: labour market access, mentoring