Publication date: 07 November 2023

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia is currently looking into supporting activities that provide innovative approaches to promote integration, taking into account the existing experience of libraries implementing projects for inclusive society. This ad hoc query examines the experiences from other EMN Member Countries with libraries implementing activities in the field of integration and social inclusion for third-country nationals.

Publication date: 24 March 2023

This Policy Note analyses the challenges faced by asylum seekers in the EU to access their right to education, from primary-level education to higher and vocational education. It is based on the analysis of the 19 country reports and further desk research.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: access to education, inclusion, special needs

Publication date: 02 May 2017

How to stimulate unaccompanied young adult refugees’ inclusion in society? This report discusses cohousing and case management for unaccompanied young adult refugees in Antwerp (CURANT), a social policy intervention combining intensive individualized guidance, cohabitation with a local flatmate, training and therapy with the aim of supporting social integration. The stakeholders’ underlying assumptions are untangled, and the intervention’s core ideas are connected with academic literature.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: inclusion, social assistance, Social cohesion, Training

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Today Eurostat launches an interactive visualisation tool that offers a comprehensive overview of data related to demography, the labour market, education, social inclusion, housing, health and active citizenship of the migrant population in the EU. 

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At the occasion of the week of microcredit organized by Microstart, the European Microfinance Network organizes a debate to share information and views on microfinance activities and services for migrants in Belgium and the wider European perspective.
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: inclusion, microfinance