Publication date: 08 November 2018

This research, commissioned for the eighteenth plenary meeting of the Transatlantic Council of Migration, an initiative of the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), examines the entanglement of immigration with broader concerns about the economic, social and cultural effects of globalization, as well as the public’s growing lack of confidence in government to manage issues such as immigration.

Publication date: 15 March 2017

This report from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) aims to encourage determined and effective action towards building a Europe that is truly inclusive, rights-based and fair.

Publication date: 03 December 2014

This policy brief is part of a series produced by the SIRIUS Network in collaboration with MPI Europe, which focuses on how policies at the EU level and within individual Member States can better support the education outcomes of young people with a migrant background.

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The Odysseus Network, with the support of the Belgian Contact Point of the EMN, organizes an evening debate focusing on "Immigrant Integration Policies of Belgian Regions: A Mirror of the Diversity in the EU?"
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: integration policy

Publication date:

The seminar will address the issue of how best to integrate immigrants, looking at new integration policies and targets.