Publicatie datum: 23 oktober 2023

The 2023 edition of International Migration Outlook analyses recent developments in migration movements and the labour market inclusion of immigrants in OECD countries. It also monitors recent policy changes in migration governance and integration in OECD countries. This edition includes two special chapters on the labour market integration of migrant mothers and on fertility patterns among migrant populations in OECD countries. The Outlook also includes country notes and a detailed statistical annex.

Publicatie datum: 15 juni 2023

This joint OECD-European Commission publication presents a comprehensive comparison of the integration outcomes of immigrants and their children in OECD, EU and selected other countries. It includes 83 indicators covering three main areas: labour market and skills; living conditions; and civic engagement and social integration. The publication also provides detailed data on the characteristics of immigrant populations and households. 

Publicatie datum: 25 april 2023

How can countries and people better benefit from migration? How can refugees be protected, and their means of livelihood secured? How should the world deal with changes in global demographics? These issues are addressed in the World Bank's World Development Report 2023.
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: demography, climate change, migration management

Publicatie datum: 13 maart 2023

The DRC Global Displacement Forecast 2023 Report, projects that the total number of people displaced will increase by 1.9 million in 2023 and an additional 3.5 million in 2024. This means that by 2024, the number of displaced people will have more than doubled since 2015 and increased by more than 50 million. 
Hoofdthema: Vulnerable groups
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: displacement

Publicatie datum: 18 januari 2023

ICMPD’s Migration Outlook presents a brief analysis of recent migration and policy trends and provides an outlook on developments and events to watch out for in 2023. In particular, it highlights ten migration issues to look out for in 2023.
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Publicatietype: Report

Publicatie datum: 08 juli 2022

Welke stimulans maatregelen en motieven zijn er die een invloed hebben op de beslissing van een derdelander om vrijwillig te vertrekken? Deze EMN inform richt zich op de kwestie van vrijwillig vertrek uit EU-lidstaten en Noorwegen, in overeenstemming met - of met het oog op - een terugkeerbesluit.
Hoofdthema: Terugkeer & Readmissie
Publicatietype: EMN inform

Publicatie datum: 12 maart 2022

The use of migration as a weapon of sorts by states and non-state actors for reaching their various goals has increased. The aim of the present study is to raise awareness among readers by creating a conceptual framework for the “weaponization of migration,” a phenomenon that has not been sufficiently studied academically yet.

Publicatie datum: 10 februari 2022

Kunnen digitale diensten het beheer van migratie- en asielprocessen verbeteren? Dit gezamenlijke EMN-OESO-rapport richt zich specifiek op gebieden binnen de asiel-, migratie- en naturalisatieprocedures, evenals op grenscontrolebeheer, waar digitale technologieën kunnen worden ingezet.
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectionaal
Publicatietype: EMN inform

Publicatie datum: 29 maart 2021

The handbook on migration reporting was produced to help journalists create impartial, fact-based reporting in an engaging way. The handbook was developed in recognition of the role which media plays in shaping public opinion as well as informing the public on various policies on migration.  
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: Media

Publicatie datum: 18 december 2020

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the substantial measures taken by EU and OECD countries to prevent the spread of the virus had substantial consequences on remittances and the companies providing remittances services.
Hoofdthema: External Dimension
Publicatietype: EMN inform
Trefwoorden: remittances

Publicatie datum: 12 december 2019

The PROTECT – Preventing sexual and gender-based violence against migrants and strengthening support to victims project aims to support the coordination and/or adaptation of support services for sexual and gender-based violence victims and potential victims among refugees, migrants and asylum seekers (children and adults, including LGBTQI people). It is funded by the European Union's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).
Hoofdthema: Vulnerable groups
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: sexual and gender based violence

Publicatie datum: 21 oktober 2019

The UN Development Programme (UNDP) report, Scaling Fences: Voices of Irregular African Migrants to Europe published on 18 October 2019, sets out to find out why those who put themselves in the hands of people smugglers, and put themselves in other vulnerable positions to cross borders, make the decision to leave home avoiding formal immigration procedures, in the first place.  
Hoofdthema: Migration
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: Irreguliere migratie, migration development nexus

Publicatie datum: 01 mei 2019

This MPI Europe report explores the various forms of predeparture orientation programs offered by resettlement countries. It focuses on important design questions and identifies a set of features shared by effective programs.
Hoofdthema: Integration, International Protection
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: resettlement, assimilation

Publicatie datum: 08 november 2018

This research, commissioned for the eighteenth plenary meeting of the Transatlantic Council of Migration, an initiative of the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), examines the entanglement of immigration with broader concerns about the economic, social and cultural effects of globalization, as well as the public’s growing lack of confidence in government to manage issues such as immigration.

Publicatie datum: 05 september 2018

This report provides a broad overview of recent trends in international migration flows and migration policies in OECD countries and some non-OECD countries.
Hoofdthema: Economic migration
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: migration flows

Publicatie datum: 31 augustus 2018

This paper, which is entitled 'The EU’s New Migration Partnership with Mali: Shifting towards a Risky Security-Migration-Development Nexus', seeks to understand why and how the EU has been redefining its migration strategy regarding Mali.
Hoofdthema: External Dimension
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: Migration Partnership

Publicatie datum: 01 januari 2018

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been producing world migration reports since 2000. This year’s edition presents key data and information on migration as well as thematic chapters on highly topical migration issues.
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional, External Dimension
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: World Migration Report

Publicatie datum: 18 december 2017

The International Migration Report 2017 reviews the latest migration trends, assesses the demographic contribution of migration, examines the status of ratification of relevant conventions and summarizes recent developments on migration at the United Nations. 
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional, External Dimension
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: demography

Publicatie datum: 01 september 2017

This report hightlights that global businesses can make unique and valuable contributions to refugee response by engaging refugees not as aid recipients, but as employees, producers, investees, and customers.
Hoofdthema: Integration
Publicatietype: Report

Publicatie datum: 01 juli 2017

This study by the Ethical Journalism Network and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) aims to understand the prevailing media narratives on migration in different national contexts. It looks at their strengths and shortcomings, and provides some insight into the interplay between editorial lines, political narratives, journalistic approaches and public discourse.
Hoofdthema: External Dimension
Publicatietype: Study
Trefwoorden: media coverage

Publicatie datum: 30 juni 2017

UNHCR developed a practical tool called "Stateless Persons in Detention: A tool for their identification and enhanced protection". The purpose of the instrument is to facilitate identification o persons in the context of detention who may be stateless and to support the achievement of solutions to their predicament.
Hoofdthema: Statelessness
Publicatietype: Study
Trefwoorden: statelessness, identification, detention

Publicatie datum: 01 mei 2017

This report shows how the lack of safe and legal pathways for refugee and migrant children feeds a booming market for human smuggling and puts them at risk of violence, abuse and exploitation.
Hoofdthema: Vulnerable groups
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: child protection

Publicatie datum: 06 april 2017

The Africa-Frontex Intelligence Community (AFIC) Joint Report 2016 analyses the irregular migratory movements affecting AFIC countries and EU Member States, cross-border criminality and provides an overview of the main regional security threats affecting the countries in the community. The report also presents a picture of the smuggling networks in Africa.

Publicatie datum: 28 februari 2017

The handbook highlights the complex implications of statelessness for individuals, states and societies, with good practices and recommendations aiming to increase engagement and progress in addressing this phenomenon by OSCE participating States.
Hoofdthema: Statelessness
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: statelessness

Publicatie datum: 14 februari 2017

Eritrea is de afgelopen tien jaar een van de grootste herkomstlanden van vluchtelingen en asielzoekers ter wereld. Het dominante verhaal dat deze trend verklaart, heeft betrekking op de combinatie van een zeer autoritaire en gemilitariseerde staatsstructuur, een oneindig en misbruikend nationaal dienstprogramma en brutale, wijdverspreide en systematische schendingen van de mensenrechten. Dit dominante verhaal is echter de afgelopen jaren steeds meer in vraag gesteld door degenen die beweren dat migratie uit Eritrea overwegend door economische aspiraties wordt gedreven en dat de Eritreërs eigenlijk een stagnerende economie ontvluchten die de burgers een levensvatbare toekomst ontneemt. Dit rapport, door Andreas Holm Røsberg en Kjetil Tronvoll, wil de verschillende visies op migratie uit Eritrea verduidelijken.
Hoofdthema: Migratie
Publicatietype: Rapport
Trefwoorden: economic migration