Publication date: 29 March 2021

The handbook on migration reporting was produced to help journalists create impartial, fact-based reporting in an engaging way. The handbook was developed in recognition of the role which media plays in shaping public opinion as well as informing the public on various policies on migration.  
Main theme: Cross-sectional
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: Media

Publication date: 04 January 2012

The World Migration Report 2011: Communicating Effectively about Migration is the sixth report in IOM’s World Migration Report (WMR) series. This year’s report shines the spotlight on the issue of public perceptions of migration.
Main theme: Migration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: communication, IOM, Media, public debate

Publication date:

"Carrefour des Cultures" proposes a cycle of 5 cine debates putting forward women migrants who, by their trajectories and actions, go against stereotypes concerning them. Space is left open, after screening, for exchanges around the themes at stake.

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The European Policy Centre and the European Programme for Integration and Migration are organising this Conference on 6 December that will explore issues around the rights of migrants, particularly those who are undocumented, and the role of the media in the migration and integration debate