Publication date: 06 September 2023

This report examines the fundamental rights of long-term residents in the EU and the reasons behind the low uptake of EU LTR permits, despite them typically giving more rights than national LTR permits. The findings of this report can inform discussions of the revision of the EU legal framework regulating long-term residence and the framework’s implementation.

Publication date: 15 June 2017

Myria's annual report "Migration in figures and rights 2017" highlights recent available data and it provides an analysis of a number of issues at stake in the field of immigration and asylum. Myria also addresses a number of recommendations towards the government on the respect of fundamental rights of foreigners.
Main theme: Asylum, Migration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: fundamental right, humanitarian visa

Publication date: 12 July 2016

Myria's annual report "Migration in figures and rights 2016" highlights recent available data, provides a juridical analysis on the issues at stake and lists a number of recommendations towards the government.
Main theme: Asylum, Migration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: fundamental right, asylum crisis

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In its judgment in Case T-600/21 | WS and Others v Frontex, the General Court dismissed today the action of a number of Syrian refugees who had brought a claim for compensation before the General Court of the European Union. The applicants claimed that Frontex engaged in improper conduct with regard to them.

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Following the recent tragic loss of life off the Greek coast, a short report of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) suggests what the EU should do to prevent more deaths at sea. FRA calls on the European Commission, EU Member States and EU Agencies to act now to prevent future tragedies and save lives.

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"Inburgering" and Integration are being quantitatively and qualitatively brought to light and examined in several specific fields: education, living conditions, labour market, entrepreneurship and rights.

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Asylum seekers in the EU would be better protected, and would not be transferred to EU countries where there is a risk of inhuman or degrading treatment, under changes to EU asylum legislation endorsed by the Civil Liberties Committee.

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In view of the new legal framework and the interest taken by civil society in the EU's management of external borders, including its fundamental rights dimension, the Ombudsman seeks to clarify, by an own-initiative inquiry, the implementation by Frontex of its fundamental rights obligations.