27 juni 2013

The President of the European Parliament, the President of the Council, with the support of the European Commission have just agreed on the Multiannual Financial Framework for the next seven years for the European Union.

25 juni 2013

At the occasion of the 13th Alliance against Trafficking in Persons Conference in Vienna, discussions focus on inequalities linked with migration and the labour market, that increase vulnerabilities to trafficking.

20 juni 2013

More than 100.000 asylum seekers were granted protection in EU Member States in 2012. More precisely, protection was granted to 102.700 asylum seekers in 2012, compared with 84.300 in 2011.

19 juni 2013

On 18-19 June 2013, governments and experts shared experiences in order to identify better ways to engage, enable and enpower diaspora communities and promote them as development actors.

14 juni 2013

The Irish EMN NCP explored how the economic crisis has affected immigrants, migratory flows and migration policies in Ireland, Europe and the wider international context.
Hoofdthema: Migration
Trefwoorden: economic crisis, immigration flow

14 juni 2013

Vandaag, woensdag 12 juni, heeft het Europees parlement gestemd over de definitieve goedkeuring van nieuwe asielregelgeving. De nieuwe regels hebben betrekking op gemeenschappelijke procedures en behandelingstermijnen voor asielaanvragen en de fundamentele rechten voor asielzoekers.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: dublinverordening

10 juni 2013

The European Asylum Support Office’s newsletter for May was launched.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: EASO, Training

06 juni 2013

Every month, the Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless persons (CGRS) publishes a document providing the statistics on asylum applications and first instance decisions.

06 juni 2013

This conference aimed at exploring the latest evidence and policy perspectives on the identification and investigation of human trafficking offenses.

22 mei 2013

Today the Royal Decree, signed by Ms Maggie de Block and Ms Annemie Turtelboom on 18 April 2013, recognizing Pakoke, Pag-Asa and Sürya as specialized centres for the reception of victims of trafficking in human beings, was published in the Belgian Official Gazette.

21 mei 2013

De Europese Commissie publiceerde een nieuwe mededeling met de titel “Maximising the Development Impact of Migration”, met onder meer aanbevelingen over manieren waarop migratie en mobiliteit kan bijdragen tot inclusieve economische en sociale ontwikkeling.

15 mei 2013

The Royal Decree from 7 May 2013 establishing the list of safe countries of origin was published today in the Belgian Official Gazette. The government lists the same countries as for the previous year.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: safe country of origin

13 mei 2013

Deze studie is uitgevoerd in de context van het Nationaal Actieplan tegen geweld tussen partners en andere vormen van huiselijk geweld.

07 mei 2013

This Conference looked into the strengths and weaknesses of reception system for asylum seekers in terms of quality, efficiency and flexibility. Speakers from Belgium, France and the UK provided a comparative perspective.

07 mei 2013

Elke maand publiceert het Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en de Staatlozen (CGVS) een rapport die de statistieken bevat aangaande asielaanvragen en asielbeslissingen.
Hoofdthema: Internationale bescherming
Trefwoorden: asielaanvragen

18 april 2013

Vandaag publiceerde de Commissie het werkdocument "Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration" ter ondersteuning van de EU Strategie over Aanpassing aan de Klimaatverandering.
Hoofdthema: Migratie
Trefwoorden: klimaatvluchtelingen

15 april 2013

Eurostat and DG Home Affairs are publishing the first report on statistical data on trafficking in human beings at EU level, covering the reference years 2008, 2009 and 2010.

12 april 2013

The Commission has made its new proposal to replace the measure which the Court of Justice annulled in September.
Hoofdthema: Borders & Visa
Trefwoorden: Frontex, external sea border

09 april 2013

The migration of data from SIS I to SIS II has started as the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) is today replacing the current system.
Hoofdthema: Migration
Trefwoorden: alert, Schengen Information System, SIS II

03 april 2013

Het team 'Droits Européens et Migrations' van de UCL (EDEM) voorziet toegang tot een informatiedatabank die asielrechtspraak bevat, van de Raad voor Vreemdelingenbetwistingen, de Raad van State, het Europees Hof van Justitie en het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: Europees Hof van Justitie

02 april 2013

In written questions and answers to the House of Representatives, dated from 2 April 2013, Maggie de Block provided information inter alia on the length of and project aimed at improving the asylum procedure in Belgium.

28 maart 2013

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) starts tri-annually publishing a newsletter that provides regular updates on the progresses and achievements in the context of migration and environment.
Hoofdthema: Migration
Trefwoorden: environmentally-driven migrant

27 maart 2013

The State Secretary for Migration and Asylum Policy and for Social Integration informed on changes and ongoing pilot projects concerning the control and reimbursement of urgent medical assistance related costs.

27 maart 2013

Coreper reached an agreement today on the final two legislative texts forming part of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

25 maart 2013

Today the Commission proposed to make it easier and more attractive for non-EU national students, researchers and other groups to enter and stay in the EU for periods exceeding three months.