Publication date: 06 February 2017

Through its work in collaboration with grassroots associations and its task to provide information and referral in relation to individual requests, the Human Rights League has noted a series of needs specific to the domain of migration. The most important is undoubtedly that of access to information for migrants about their rights. The Human Rights League has therefore published a pocket guide containing the most important practical information for migrants.
Main theme: Integration
Keywords: migrants rights

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18 December is the International Migrants Day. On 18 December 2014, the Federal Migration Center organized pedagogical and interactive activities while several labour unions and civil society organizations called for more rights for labour migrants

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At the occasion of the 13th Alliance against Trafficking in Persons Conference in Vienna, discussions focus on inequalities linked with migration and the labour market, that increase vulnerabilities to trafficking.

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The European Policy Centre and the European Programme for Integration and Migration are organising this Conference on 6 December that will explore issues around the rights of migrants, particularly those who are undocumented, and the role of the media in the migration and integration debate