Publication date: 07 March 2018

This EMN Inform provides an overview of (Member) States' policies and practices regarding safe countries of origin. It describes which countries have introduced a list of safe countries of origin and whether nationals from these countries are treated differently than nationals from other countries in the procedure for international protection. Moreover, differences relating to reception conditions and return provisions are examined. 

Publication date: 16 March 2017

24 (Member) States provided information on their policies and practices regarding the application of the ‘safe countries of origin’ concept in their procedures for international protection. This ad hoc query was launched by the Dutch and the Estonian Contact Points of the EMN.

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Today, 29 August 2016, the Royal Decree from 3 August 2016 establishing the list of safe countries of origin was published in the Belgian Official Gazette and came into force. Besides the same countries as for previous years, the new list now also includes Georgia.

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Today, the European Commission put forward a package of proposals to help address the refugee crisis that EU Member States and neighbouring countries are facing, including by tackling the root causes making people seek refuge in Europe.

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Interior ministers in Brussels on Monday (20 July) fell short of a European Commission-proposed target to relocate 40,000 asylum seekers arriving in Greece and Italy over the next two years. However according to EU Commissioner Avramopoulos significant progress was made on different topics.

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The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the proposed " list of safe countries of origin ". Since two years the same seven countries are on the list : Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and India.

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The Royal Decree from 7 May 2013 establishing the list of safe countries of origin was published today in the Belgian Official Gazette. The government lists the same countries as for the previous year.
Main theme: Asylum
Keywords: safe country of origin

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In its letter to partners, CBAR BCHV wants to be informed of decisions and judgements refusing the examination of applications from applicants originating from "safe countries of origin".

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The new article 57/6/1 of the Aliens Act of 1980 has introduced the notion of safe country of origin in the Belgian law. The royal decree implementing this article came into force on the 1st of June 2012.
Main theme: Asylum
Keywords: safe country of origin

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At the request of Maggie De Block, Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, and Didier Reynders, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Ministerial Council approved list of safe countries of origin.