juni 2011

The new EASO Office began some of its activities in November 2010, and is since 19 June 2011 fully operational
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration
Trefwoorden: asylum, EU Migration Policy, EASO

juni 2011

The Council Directive 2003/109/EC has been amended by the Directive 2011/51/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2011 to extend its scope to beneficiaries of international protection

juni 2011

On 9 and 10 June 2011, the Justice and Home Affairs of the Council of the European Union took place in Luxembourg. On the agenda of the home affairs ministers stood, amongst others, amendments on FRONTEX-rules and the Schengen evaluation of Bulgaria and Romania.

juni 2011

This final Conference that took place on 15th June 2011 has presented some of the outcomes of research conducted within the framework of the European project Improving EU and US Immigration Systems' Capacity for Responding to Global Challenges: Learning from experiences

mei 2011

This ACP-EU Council of ministers addressed questions of migration and discussed progress in the ongoing ACP-EU dialogue on migration. Ministers agreed to reach concrete results to strengthen the operational cooperation in the areas of visa, remittances and readmission over the coming year.
Hoofdthema: Migration, External Dimension
Trefwoorden: ACP

mei 2011

On May 24, 2011, the European Commission presented its proposals for a better managment of migration flows from the Southern Mediterranean region and for amendements to the Visa Regulation

mei 2011

On 19 May 2011, the 14th EU-Russia meeting on justice and home affairs took place in Russia
Hoofdthema: Migration, Borders & Visa

maart 2011

The Belgian National Contact Point participated in an international workshop on “Migration challenges for pre-accession countries in South-East Europe” in Belgrade and gave a lecture on "The European Migration Network and other international instruments.
Hoofdthema: Migration

januari 2011

Commissioner Malmström presents Action Plan on visa liberalisation with the Republic of Moldova
Hoofdthema: Migratie

december 2010

Om de vooruitgang van migranten in het gastland beter op te volgen en om te identificeren waar beleidsmaatregelen nodig zijn, is er behoefte aan longitudinale data op gebied van asiel en migratie.
Hoofdthema: Statistieken