08 november 2016

Het Belgische contactpunt van het Europees migratienetwerk (EMN) organiseerde een conferentie over arbeidsmarktparticipatie van begunstigden van internationale bescherming. Het evenement vond plaats op 8 november 2016 in Brussel.

06 oktober 2016

Today, the new agency aimed at strengthening Europe's external borders is legally operational.

30 september 2016

Door de gedaalde instroom van asielzoekers wordt het Belgische opvangnetwerk afgebouwd en de implementatie van het nieuwe opvangmodel hervat.
Hoofdthema: Opvang
Trefwoorden: Fedasil, reception centre

28 september 2016

Today, the European Commission is reporting on the progress made on the relocation and resettlement schemes and the implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement.

19 september 2016

Today, 19 September 2016, the UN General Assembly will host a high-level summit to address large movements of refugees and migrants, with the aim of bringing countries together behind a more humane and coordinated approach.
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration
Trefwoorden: middenveld

16 september 2016

Today the new Regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard was published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

16 september 2016

The European Commission announced up to €108 million in emergency funding to Bulgaria.
Hoofdthema: Migration
Trefwoorden: Bulgaria, privaat sponsorship

15 september 2016

A decree of the government of the French-speaking Community – which entered into force today – introduces changes regarding the procedure of recognition of the equivalence of higher education diplomas and certificates obtained abroad.

14 september 2016

On the occasion of President Juncker's 2016 State of the Union address, the European Commission today set out their view on how the European Union can enhance security in Europe by improving the exchange of information in the fight against terrorism and strengthening external borders.

29 augustus 2016

Vandaag, 29 augustus 2016, is het Koninklijk Besluit van 3 augustus die de lijst van veilige landen van herkomst vastlegt, gepubliceerd in het Belgisch Staatsblad. Naast de landen die reeds op de lijst stonden afgelopen jaren, wordt ook Georgië nu als veilig land van herkomst beschouwd.

23 augustus 2016

Community support for Refugees in Belgium and the NGO Flemish Refugee Action (Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen) launched today a new website for asylum seekers and refugees in Belgium: www.asyluminfo.be.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: Integration, refugee

04 augustus 2016

The European Asylum Support Office launched its first mobile app for smartphones and tablets allowing asylum seekers to quickly find information in English and various non-EU languages (English, Arabic, Sorani, Kumjani and Tigrinya) about the EU Relocation Programme.
Hoofdthema: International Protection
Trefwoorden: EASO, relocation

24 juli 2016

As from today 24 July, a EUR 200 administrative fine is immediately due and payable by foreigners at the border and EU citizens on the territory who irregularly cross borders/stay on the territory.

13 juli 2016

The Commission is today proposing a second set of proposals to reform the CEAS, focusing on the Asylum Procedures Directive, the Qualification Directive and the Reception Conditions Directive.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: Common European Asylum System, reform

13 juli 2016

Today, the European Commission proposes an EU Resettlement Framework to establish a common European policy on resettlement in order to ensure orderly and safe pathways to Europe for persons in need of international protection.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: EU resettlement framework, resettlement

06 juli 2016

Op 6 en 7 juli heeft het Slowaakse nationale contactpunt van het EMN - in het kader van het Slowaakse voorzitterschap van de EU - de jaarlijkse EMN conferentie georganiseerd. Dit jaar had de conferentie als thema duurzame terugkeer en samenwerking met landen van herkomst in dit verband.

01 juli 2016

From 1 July 2016 till the end of the year, Slovakia will hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union. A sustainable migration and asylum policy is one of the top priorities of the Presidency.

29 juni 2016

On 28 June, the European Council meeting focused on the political consequences of the UK referendum and addressed the migratory crisis among other pressing issues. On 29 June, the 27 heads of State met informally and issued a joint statement following the meeting.

29 juni 2016

Op 29 juni werd in Parijs door het Franse contactpunt van het EMN een conferentie georganiseerd over de arbeidsmartintegratie van begunstigden van internationale bescherming en specifieke ondersteunende maatregelen ter bevordering hiervan.
Hoofdthema: Integratie
Trefwoorden: toegang tot de arbeidsmarkt

28 juni 2016

A law published today in the Belgian Official Gazette increases the maximum time limits for processing applications for family reunification. It will enter into force on 8 July 2016.
Hoofdthema: Family reunification
Trefwoorden: processing time

28 juni 2016

A law published today in the Belgian Official Gazette limits the duration of the residence permit granted to recognized refugees in Belgium. It will enter into force on 8 July 2016.

27 juni 2016

Today, a new law was published in the Belgian Official Gazette. It introduces several changes to the Immigration Act and the Reception Act, including on family reunification or searches in closed centres.
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration
Trefwoorden: closed centre, fraud, law

23 juni 2016

Today, the Council of State has annulled the decree establishing the national list of safe countries of origin, as far as the inclusion of Albania on said list is concerned.

20 juni 2016

Today the European Commission launched the Knowledge Center on Migration and Demography (KCMD) to support migration and demography related EU policies.
Hoofdthema: Migration
Trefwoorden: demography, knowledge center

16 juni 2016

The News Release report on 'Asylum in the EU Member States', as well the Statistics Explained 'Asylum quarterly report for the first quarter 2016 are released. These reports provide information on the number of first asylum applications, first instance decisions and pending cases in the EU.