Publicatie datum: 06 juni 2022

Hebben EMN lidstaten de besluitvorming over aanvragen voor internationale bescherming van Afghaanse burgers opgeschort toen de Taliban de controle over Afghanistan overnam in augustus 2021? Deze ad hoc vraag, gelanceerd door België, onderzoekt de aard en gevolgen van dergelijke opschorting wat betreft gehoren, beschermingsstatussen, enzovoort.
Hoofdthema: Ad Hoc Vragen
Publicatietype: EMN Rapporten & studies
Trefwoorden: Afghanistan

Publicatie datum: 08 november 2017

Forced returns of rejected asylum seekers to Afghanistan have been heavily debated in Sweden. In this context, the Swedish Contact Point of the EMN has gathered and analyzed the information provided by 17 Member States, including Belgium, on this topic.
Hoofdthema: Ad Hoc Queries
Publicatietype: EMN Reports & studies
Trefwoorden: forced return, Afghanistan

Publicatie datum: 08 mei 2017

This publication is based on social media research conducted by a small UNHCR team. Between March and December 2016, they issued weekly monitoring reports which have now been compiled into this synopsis.

Publicatie datum: 17 augustus 2015

On 27 July 2015, UNHCR and Fedasil launched the report “All Born on 01/01” which examines the situation of Afghan asylum seekers residing in collective reception centres in Belgium.
Hoofdthema: Reception
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: UNHCR, reception centre, Fedasil, Afghanistan

Publicatie datum: 05 maart 2015

In this dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor at Maastricht University, Marieke van Houte shows that the expectations on which migration and development policies are based only apply to a small minority of returnees, who are not the group that is targeted by these policies.

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Myria has published the sixth thematic section of its 2023 annual report. This section entitled "International protection" reports that the refusal rate for asylum seekers from Afghanistan in 2022 is higher in Belgium (56%) than the average for EU countries (47%). In the event of return, some Afghan asylum seekers could risk degrading or even inhuman treatment (prohibited by Article 3 of the ECHR), given the current situation in Afghanistan.

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At the initiative of the State Secretary for Asylum Policy and Migration, the premiums granted to Afghan and Iraqi nationals who voluntarily return to their country of origin have been temporarily doubled.

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The report entitled ‘Afghanistan security situation’provides a comprehensive overview of the security situation in Afghanistan, and information relevant for the protection status determination of Afghan asylum seekers.