Publication date: 15 February 2017

We know surprisingly little about how NGOs and asylum lawyers conduct research for asylum claims. To close this gap, Asylos interviewed 20 asylum lawyers and NGO staff in Belgium, France, Germany, Greece and the UK  to understand the challenges of researching evidence, as well as the opportunities for improving the research process. Access the findings in our report
Main theme: International Protection
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: country of origin information (COI)

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The EASO Newsletter for March 2015 has been issued.

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The report entitled ‘Afghanistan security situation’provides a comprehensive overview of the security situation in Afghanistan, and information relevant for the protection status determination of Afghan asylum seekers.

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EASO launched the October edition of the EASO newsletter. The newsletter provides an overview of recent EASO activities and outputs.

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EASO launched the September edition of the EASO newsletter. The newsletter provides an overview of recent EASO activities and outputs.