Publicatie datum: 28 februari 2024

In its analysis of the Latest Asylum Trends for 2023, the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) reports on the applications received in EU+ countries (i.e. the 27 European Union Member States, plus Norway and Switzerland) and the key nationalities that applied for international protection. The analysis also addresses new trends in pending cases as well as recognition rates across EU+ countries.

Publicatie datum: 01 februari 2016

In the context of the current crisis, the Western Balkans is a busy migrant route. It is necessary to work more closely with this region and to come up with a coordinated approach to the crisis.

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Does the refugees crisis also means a crisis of the EU ? This question will be addressed during the colloquium organized by the "Laboratoire de Droit international et Européen" and the "Centre d'excellence J. MONNET de l'UNS" in partnership with the "Centre d'excellence J. MONNET de l'UGA".

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Today the Commission proposes a new Emergency Assistance Instrument for faster crisis response within the EU.

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Today 27 February, numerous platforms and citizens came together for a European March in more than hundred cities in 28 countries, including Brussels where 3000 persons expressed support for the initiative.

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The Labour Market Observatory (LMO) of the European Economic and Social Committee is holding a public seminar on “Integrating refugees into the labour market: turning the crisis into an opportunity”.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: labour market integration, refugee crisis

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This CEIPA roundtable offers an opportunity to examine solutions to the continuing influx of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants which challenges European institutions to manage the crisis on the short and the longer run.
Hoofdthema: Asylum, Migration
Trefwoorden: migration crisis, refugee crisis

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Looking at the migration/refugee crisis, the College of Commissioners looked back at measures taken in 2015 and the initiatives to be presented in 2016 to further develop collective European action and deliver clear and tangible results.

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Op 11 en 12 november 2015 wordt in Valletta een internationale top over migratie gehouden tussen de EU, en de Afrikaanse en andere belangrijke betrokken landen.
Hoofdthema: Migratie
Trefwoorden: vluchtelingencrisis

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De Europese Commissie heeft vandaag beslist om het niveau van haar cofinanciering te verhogen voor noodsteun, en dit via het Europees civiele beschermingsmechanisme geactiveerd via Hongarije, Servië, Slovenië en Kroatië.
Hoofdthema: Opvang

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Op een bijeenkomst op 25 oktober maakten de leiders van de landen die geconfronteerd worden met de migratie-uitdagingen van de Westelijke Balkanroute afspraken over een 17 punten programma.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: migratiecrisis

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De eerste editie van Myria's nieuwsbrief "Myriatics" geeft nuttige cijfers en feiten met betrekking tot de huidige vluchtelingencrisis die toelaten de globale context en de situatie in de EU en in België beter te begrijpen.
Hoofdthema: Asiel