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Eurostat published data on first residence permits issued to non-EU nationals. A residence permit represents an authorization issued by the competent authorities of a country allowing third-country national (non-EU citizens) to stay legally on its territory.

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This website aims to inform persons who wish to find a salaried job, follow a professional training, become self-employed or study in Belgium about the recognition of foreign diploma.
Hoofdthema: Study § Training
Trefwoorden: diploma, recognition

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The joint European Commission-OECD report on Matching Economic Migration with Labour Market Needs shows that migration and mobility have a key role to play to address demographic decline and skills shortages in the EU.

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This request for a preliminary ruling concerns the interpretation of Article 12 of Council Directive 2004/114/EC of 13 December 2004 on the conditions of admission of third-country nationals for the purposes of studies, pupil exchange, unremunerated training or voluntary service.

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The Immigration Office noticed the minimum monthly amount of livelihoods which is required from a student who wish to study in Belgium during the school or academic year 2014-2015.
Hoofdthema: Study § Training
Trefwoorden: livelihood, student

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The school results of students in Belgium are still very much determined by their socio-economic and migration background. This is the key conclusion of the new analysis of the PISA figures on the educational performance of young people in Belgium.

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Today the Commission proposed to make it easier and more attractive for non-EU national students, researchers and other groups to enter and stay in the EU for periods exceeding three months.

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Deze conferentie zal het ARCKA project afronden: « Assessing, recognizing competences and certifying knowledge acquisition valuing human capital of children of foreign origin in education and training in Europe » Dit project werd gecofinancieerd door de Europese Unie.
Hoofdthema: Integratie

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Deze Conferentie, die georganiseerd wordt door het EMN-Nationaal Contactpunt van Cyprus in het kader van het Cypriotische Voorzitterschap van de Raad van de EU, zal de besluitvorming ondersteunen inzake internationale studentenmigratie (inclusief de herwerking van Richtlijn 2004/114/EC).
Hoofdthema: Studie en vorming
Trefwoorden: studenten

Publicatie datum:

Vanaf 1 juni tot 23 augustus, verzamelt de consultatie input over de binnenkomst- en verblijfsvoorwaarden voor niet-Europese onderzoekers, studenten, leerlingen, stagiairs en vrijwilligers. Dit met het oog op de herziening van de Europese Richtlijn voor studenten en onderzoekers (2004/114/EG)
Hoofdthema: Studie en vorming
Trefwoorden: mobiliteit

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Het Europees Instituut in Firenze stelt het achtste 'Migration Summer School' voor van maandag 25 juni tot 6 juli 2012.
Hoofdthema: Studie en vorming

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The Centre for Migration and Intercultural Studies (CeMIS) invites to an evening lecture followed by a debate on the theme 'Education in Intercultural Society' Where: Kapel Grauwzusters, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerp When: 17 May, 18-19.30h