Publication date: 14 August 2022

Do Member States grant access to the labour market to family members of international students and, if so, to which family members and under which conditions? This ad hoc query launched by Belgium shows that policies and practices in this matter still vary among Member States.

Publication date: 20 September 2017

This EMN Inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Ad-Hoc Query (AHQ) on Retaining third-country national students.
Main theme: Economic migration
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: student

Publication date: 03 October 2012

This research project undertaken by Prof. F. Caestecker (University College Ghent) investigates the policy towards international students and the extent to which third-country nationals used opportunities to study in Belgium during the last decade.
Main theme: Study § Training
Publication Type: Thematic Studies
Keywords: admission, education, mobility, student

Publication date:

Myria has published the fourth thematic section of its 2023 annual report. This section entitled "Economic migration, free movement en students" reports that 8.098 long-stay visas were granted for professional reasons to third-country nationals in 2022 (46% more than in 2021) and 19.721 single permits were issued to third-country nationals in 2022 (75% more than in 2021).

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The Royal Decree of 23 April 2018 introduced changes with regards to extending or ending the stay of international students. It details – inter alia – in which cases an order to leave the territory can be issued to a student when he/she extends his/her studies in an excessive manner considering the results.
Main theme: Study § Training
Keywords: student

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An EU directive to harmonise EU entry and residence rules to make it easier and more attractive for people from third countries to study or do research at EU universities.

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The Immigration Office noticed the minimum monthly amount of livelihoods which is required from a student who wish to study in Belgium during the school or academic year 2014-2015.
Main theme: Study § Training
Keywords: livelihood, student

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The school results of students in Belgium are still very much determined by their socio-economic and migration background. This is the key conclusion of the new analysis of the PISA figures on the educational performance of young people in Belgium.

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This conference will close the ARCKA project « Assessing, recognizing competences and certifying knowledge acquisition valuing human capital of children of foreign origin in education and training in Europe » that is cofinanced by the European Commission.