Publicatie datum: 18 februari 2015

18 (lid)staten gaven gedetailleerde informatie en beschikbare statistische data over administratieve detentie en verwijdering van begeleide en niet-begeleide minderjarigen in hun land. De ad-hoc query werd gelanceerd door het Belgisch EMN contactpunt.
Hoofdthema: Ad Hoc Vragen
Trefwoorden: Niet-begeleide minderjarigen

Publicatie datum:

On 22 December 2017, Deputy Prime Minister Jan Jambon, in the name of the government, asked the Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRS) to carry out an independent inquiry regarding the risk in case of return to Sudan. The report was handed over to the government on 8 February 2018.   
Hoofdthema: Return & Readmission
Trefwoorden: removal

Publicatie datum:

This conference will allow the general public to learn and discuss the findings of the CONTENTION project which examines the different dimensions of the lawfulness of detention with differing practices and differing forms of implementation at national and European level.