Publicatie datum: 04 december 2014

This policy brief, produced by the Migration Policy Centre, focuses on immigration to Europe via the Mediterranean and related issues such as smuggling, sea routes, Mare Nostrum and risks encountered by migrants. It also provides statistics and data.

Publicatie datum: 30 september 2014

The report, compiled under IOM’s Missing Migrants Project, indicates Europe is the world’s most dangerous destination for “irregular” migration, costing the lives of over 3,000 migrants this year.

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According to data collected by IOM’s Missing Migrants Project, 2023, with at least 8565 deaths and disappearances, is the deadliest year since the project's inception in 2014. IOM highlights the urgent need for action to prevent further loss of life.   

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Als gevolg van de recente tragedie voor de Griekse kust, publiceerde het EU-Bureau voor de grondrechten (FRA) een kort rapport. In dit rapport staat wat de EU kan doen om soortgelijke tragedies te verhinderen in de toekomst. FRA vraagt aan de Europese Commissie, de EU-Lidstaten en de EU-agentschappen om nu actie te ondernemen om zo in de toekomst mensenlevens te redden. 

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According to the Missing Migrants Project, an estimate of 7495 men, women and children migrants or refugees died or were reported missing across five continents in 2016. That is almost 20 victims per day and the number may not include them all.