Publicatie datum: 30 september 2014

The report, compiled under IOM’s Missing Migrants Project, indicates Europe is the world’s most dangerous destination for “irregular” migration, costing the lives of over 3,000 migrants this year.

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Vandaag heeft Italië de noodtoestand uitgeroepen vanwege de sterke stijging van het aantal migranten dat via de gevaarlijke Middellandse Zeeroute aan de kust van Italië aankomt. Het is voor het eerst sinds 2011 dat Italië zijn toevlucht neemt tot zo'n drastische maatregel.

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Six years after the promotion of a “new approach to a new neighbourhood” following the 2011 uprisings, what is the state of play of EU’s cooperation with the MENA region in the field of migration and asylum? This session will allow to reflect on the EU's external cooperation in the field of migration and asylum with South and East Mediterranean countries.
Hoofdthema: External Dimension
Trefwoorden: Mediterranean

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De Europese Agenda voor Migratie wenst concrete antwoorden te formuleren op de recente tragedies in de Middellandse Zee en wenst, meer in het algemeen, migratie beter te managen in al zijn aspecten.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: Europese agenda voor migratie

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A 10 point action plan of the immediate actions has been presented by Commissioner Avramopoulos and received the full backing of Foreign and Interior Ministers.

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The Joint Operational Team (JOT) Mare, a new initiative aiming to tackle the organised criminal groups who are facilitating the journeys of migrants by ships across the Mediterranean Sea to the European Union, has been launched today.

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During the meeting of the Home Affairs Council, Ministers discussed migratory pressures, and in particular the situation in the central Mediterranean, as well as increasing trends in asylum applications from Western Balkans countries and in particular Kosovo.

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The European Migration Forum – the dialogue platform on migration, asylum and migrant integration – has met for the first time on 26 and 27 January 2015.

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William Lacy Swing, Director General IOM, stresses that already in 2014 over 2,200 migrants have died attempting to reach Europe via the Mediterranean Sea. That’s three times 2013’s total!

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Wat drijft zoveel migranten om hun leven op het spel te zetten om naar Europa te komen? Hoe reageert Europa? Deze vragen zullen op 25 september aan bod komen met vertegenwoordigers van CIRE, CNCD en Boats4People gedurende een debat na de theatervoorstelling.
Hoofdthema: Irreguliere migratie
Trefwoorden: bootvluchtelingen