Publicatie datum: 04 april 2015

The European Parliament Think Tank has published a briefing presenting facts and figures about irregular immigration in the EU.

Publicatie datum: 01 maart 2014

This paper published in March 2014 examines the sanctions applied to counteract irregular migration.
Hoofdthema: Irregular Migration
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: illegal entry, penalties, sanction

Publicatie datum: 09 januari 2012

Irreguliere migratie is het onderwerp die publieke opinie blijft beroeren in Europa. Beleidsmakers staan onder druk om irreguliere migratie terug te dringen. Men kan zich afvragen of beleidsmaatregelen geleid hebben tot het terugdringen van illegale migratie.
Hoofdthema: Grenscontrole & Visa
Publicatietype: Rapport
Trefwoorden: grenscontrole

Publicatie datum:

As from today 24 July, a EUR 200 administrative fine is immediately due and payable by foreigners at the border and EU citizens on the territory who irregularly cross borders/stay on the territory.