Publicatie datum: 22 februari 2017

The updated country report on Belgium contains information on recent developments in case law and policy related to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and integration of beneficiaries of international protection.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: asylum decisions, asylum law, asylum policy, asylum procedure

Publicatie datum:

Deze Summer School, die al meer dan 2000 personen heeft opgeleid, biedt deelnemers een globaal inzicht in het Europese immigratie- en asielbeleid vanuit een juridisch perspectief, inclusief de laatste ontwikkelingen in 2023.
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectionaal
Trefwoorden: asylum law, migration law

Publicatie datum:

The online seminar will provide legal practitioners with an update on the case law developed by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) with relevance for asylum law. It will focus primarily on developments in 2022.
Hoofdthema: Asylum
Trefwoorden: asylum law

Publicatie datum:

Each year, the Odysseus Network organizes a summer school in EU immigration and asylum law and policy. The courses tackle the most recent legislative, jurisprudential and political developments in the field at EU level.