Better protecting refugees in the EU and globally (UNHCR)

In this paper, UNHCR sets out a vision for achieving a pragmatic and common approach to responding to refugees and migrants. The proposals can facilitate the development, over the long term, of EU-wide arrangements to address and respond to movements effectively.

In this paper, UNHCR proposes an EU:

  • that is engaged beyond its borders to protect, assist and find solutions
  • that is prepared to respond to possible future arrivals in significant numbers
  • that protects through a well-managed common asylum system that ensures access to territory
  • that integrates refugees in their communities

Through this paper, UNHCR encourages creative and forward thinking in Europe, including EU Member States, but also countries of origin, refuge and transit.

For more information, please read the full paper attached or visit the website of UNHCR.

Publication Date:
ma 05 dec 2016