AIDA Annual Report 2014/2015 - "Common asylum system at a turning point: Refugees caught in Europe's solidarity crisis"

The Annual Report 2014/ 2015, produced in the framework of the Asylum Information Database (AIDA) project, provides information on the main developments regarding asylum policies and practices in EU Member States.

The Annual Report 2014/2015 focusses on the main developments at national and EU level through an overview of practices in the 18 AIDA countries

The report is divided in 3 chapters.

  • A statistical overview of asylum applicants, recognition rates and analysis of the main variations between EU Member States and Schengen Associated States, as well as limited data with regard to the application of the Dublin III Regulation and the routes for asylum seekers and refugees into Europe for 2014 and the first half of 2015.
  • An analysis of key developments in the EU’s common asylum and immigration policy during the end of 2014 and first half of 2015, with a particular focus on the meaning and impact of the solidarity measures taken with regard to the situation in the Mediterranean, the response to refugee crisis unfolding in Greece and examples of unilateral national responses to the current challenges with possible repercussions beyond the EU’s asylumand migration policies stricto sensu.
  • The implementation of the recast legal instruments of the Common European Asylum System, as documented through transposition reforms and practice on the ground.

A final part draws conclusions and sketches out a number of policy recommendations for the future development of EU asylum and immigration policies.

You can access the press release issued on the occasion of the launch of the report here.

For further information, please see AIDA's website.

Publication Date:
lun 21 sep 2015
Thème principal: