Publicatie datum: 09 juli 2015

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) published its annual report on the situation of asylum in the European Union.
Hoofdthema: Data & Statistics, Asylum
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: EASO annual report

Publicatie datum:

Today, EASO presented its yearly reference report summarizing key developments that took place in the asylum field in the EU+ in 2016 as well as some more recent data of 2017. The launching of the annual report 2016 brought together a large audience, including journalists.
Hoofdthema: International Protection
Trefwoorden: EASO annual report

Publicatie datum:

Op 7 juli hielden Commissaris Cecilia Malmström en de uitvoerend Directeur van EASO een persconferentie getiteld: 'EASO Jaarverslag over de asielsituatie in de Europese Unie in 2013' en 'De laatste ontwikkelingen in asielzaken in Europa'.
Hoofdthema: Internationale bescherming
Trefwoorden: jaarverslag EASO