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The new EASO Office began some of its activities in November 2010, and is since 19 June 2011 fully operational
Thème principal: Asylum, Migration
Mots-clés: asylum, EU Migration Policy, EASO

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On June 22, 2011, the Justice Commission found no agreement on the draft bill of several Flemish political parties concerning the tightening of the acquisition of citizenship in Belgium

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Débat organisé par la Fondation Robert Schuman avec Mr. Jacques Barrot (ancien Vice-Président de la Commission Européenne) et Mr. Carlos Coehlo (Député européen PPE/PT), animé par Mr. Jean-Dominique Giuliani (Président de la Fondation Robert Schuman)

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La directive 2003/109/CE du Conseil a été amendée par Directive 2011/51/UE du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du 11 mai 2011 afin d’étendre son champ d’application aux bénéficiaires d’une protection internationale
Thème principal: Migration
Mots-clés: Directives UE

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EMN presents its synthesis report of the EMN study ‘Satisfying Labour Demand through Migration ’. Source of this publication are the different national studies, carried out in 2010 by the National Contact Points (NCP's) of the EMN.

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On 9 and 10 June 2011, the Justice and Home Affairs of the Council of the European Union took place in Luxembourg. On the agenda of the home affairs ministers stood, amongst others, amendments on FRONTEX-rules and the Schengen evaluation of Bulgaria and Romania.
Thème principal: Asylum, Migration, Economic migration, Borders & Visa
Mots-clés: Council

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Every month, the Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons publishes a document containing the statistics on the asylum applications and the decisions taken.

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Le service juridique du Centre Régional bruxellois d'Intégration le Foyer propose un atelier thématique à destination des professionnels Quand: 17/06/2011, 13-16.30h Où: Centre Régional d'Intégration le Foyer, 25 Rue des Ateliers, 1080 Bruxelles Inscription gratuite
Thème principal: Transversaux
Mots-clés: Naturalisation

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Le 1er juin 2011, la Commission a présenté ses propositions révisées amendant les Directives sur les procédures d'Asile et sur les conditions d'Accueil.
Thème principal: Accueil
Mots-clés: Procédure d'asile

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Chanque mois, le Commissariat Général aux Réfugiés et aux Apatrides publie ses statistiques sur les demandes d'asile et les décisions prises.
Thème principal: Asile
Mots-clés: demande d'asile

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On May 24, 2011, the European Commission presented its proposals for a better managment of migration flows from the Southern Mediterranean region and for amendements to the Visa Regulation

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On 19 May 2011, the 14th EU-Russia meeting on justice and home affairs took place in Russia
Thème principal: Migration, Borders & Visa

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Final conference of the European TCN's project on migration and integration of third-country nationals in Europe, carried out by higher educational institutes in Belgium, Cyprus, Italy, Malta and the UK. When: 27 May 2011 Where: Hotel Corbie Mol, Corbiestraat 64, 2400 Mol/Belgium
Thème principal: Migration, Cross-sectional, Integration

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The European Immigration Lawyers Network (EILN) organises a bi-lingual conference (French/English) on familiy reunification in Europe Where: Maison du Barreau, 2, rue de Harlay, 75001 Paris When: 20 May 2011 Registration fee: € 200
Thème principal: Family reunification

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The King Baudouin Foundation (KBF) launches a call for papers on research on migration and integration policy Deadline for papers: 19 October 2011
Thème principal: Cross-sectional, Integration

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The Centre for Migration and Intercultural Studies (CeMIS) invites to an evening lecture followed by a debate on the theme 'Education in Intercultural Society' Where: Kapel Grauwzusters, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerp When: 17 May, 18-19.30h

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Le Centre International de Formation de l'OIT (CFI-OIT) organise son université d'été en étroite collaboration avec des partenaires tels que OIT Migrations, le Global Migration Group et l'Institut Européen de Florence. Cette formation aura lieu à Turin du 4 au 15 juillet prochains.
Thème principal: Migration économique
Mots-clés: Migration du travail

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Johan Wets and Fernando Pauwels of HIVA-KULeuven present a research project on Eastern European labour migration and make recommendations. Practical information: Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 14-17 pm, Trierstraat 31-33, 1041 Brussels

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On 2 May 2011 (12.30-14.00h) the NGO's Flemish Refugee Action and Amnesty International organize in collaboration with UNHCR and the University of Antwerp a lecture on the implications of the current crisis in North-Africa. The lecture will take place at the University of Antwerp
Thème principal: Asylum, International Protection

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On 13 May 2011, the 7th EMN Steering Board meeting will take place in Brussels
Thème principal: Cross-sectional

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Dans le cadre de la Présidence polonaise du Conseil du Conseil de l'Union Européenne, le Point de Contact Polonais du Réseau Européen des Migrations organise la Conférence annuelle du REM à Varsovie le 25 octobre 2011

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VALENTINA POP - EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - France on Sunday blocked the passage of Italian trains in order to prevent Tunisian migrants from entering its territory, a move promptly slammed by Rome. EU council chief Herman Van Rompuy meanwhile appealed for Paris not to "exaggerate" the migration issue

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Le Point de Contact belge du Réseau Européen des Migrations a organisé une journée d'étude le vendredi 14 octobre 2011 dernier à l'occasion des 60 ans de la Convention de Genève
Thème principal: Protection internationale
Mots-clés: Convention de Genève

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Urgent action or Wait and see? – The nexus of climate change and migration
Thème principal: Migration, Vulnerable groups
Mots-clés: climate change

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Plans for an update of the asylum procedures directive for a more fair and effective asylum procedure throughout the EU were backed by MEPs.
Thème principal: Asylum