Publication date: 06 April 2024

This ad hoc query offers comparative information on citizenship tests as part of the naturalisation process. It examines whether EMN Member and Observer Countries organise a citizenship test in order to acquire nationality, the authority or institution responsible for administering and drafting these tests, the topics covered, the connection between language and citizenship components in these tests, measures or sanctions in place to prevent potential misuse, and fees for participating in citizenship tests.

Publication date: 22 February 2024

This ad hoc query offers comparative information on existing legislation on the acquisition of citizenship for new generations. It examines EMN Member and Observer Countries’ changes in legislative developments and regulations since 1 January 2020, the prerequisites and requirements embodied in these changes, and the impact of these changes on the procedure for acquiring citizenship.

Publication date: 17 April 2017

Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, published today a press release with 2015 data on the acquisition of citizenship in the EU. The main conclusions are that EU Member States granted citizenship to fewer persons in 2015, and Moroccans, Albanians and Turks remain the main recipients.
Main theme: Citizenship & Nationality
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: acquisition of citizenship

Publication date: 10 October 2012

20 member states have responded on an ad hoc query on the existence of citizenship tests in order to obtain citizenship, what these citizenship tests are composed of and which assesment criteria are applied.

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According to the provisional monthly results of the statistics on changes of nationality, 3.885 persons obtained the Belgian nationality in December 2023. This raises the total figure for 2023 to 54.813 persons who obtained the Belgian nationality. 

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On June 22, 2011, the Justice Commission found no agreement on the draft bill of several Flemish political parties concerning the tightening of the acquisition of citizenship in Belgium