Study on the feasibility and added value of sponsorship schemes as a possible pathway to safe channels for admission to the EU, including resettlement (EC)

The European Commission has published the new "Feasibility study on sponsorship schemes as a possible pathway to safe channels for admission to the EU". Finalised in October 2018, its outcomes confirm that private sponsorship schemes can efficiently contribute to meeting the goal of promoting safe and legal channels of admission to the EU of those in need of international protection.

The Commission will therefore consider ways in which Member States could be best supported in establishing such schemes.

This study assessed the feasibility and added value of sponsorship schemes as a possible pathway to channels for admission of persons in need of protection in the EU. It finds that while the concept of private sponsorship is rather ill-defined, the number of different sponsorship schemes has proliferated across the EU and have a wide variety of characteristics in the eligibility criteria of the sponsor and beneficiary, responsibilities of the sponsor, and in the status granted and associated rights. The study assessed possible options for EU action in the area, by continuing with the status quo, providing for specific soft measures (training, toolkits, peer reviews), financing of sponsorship activities, and legislative action. The study finds that soft measures and financing are most feasible and have highest added value, whereas legislative action carries certain risks and is considered less feasible

Publication Date:
ven 26 oct 2018
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