Publicatie datum: 22 december 2016

This report presents an overview of the shifting of economic activity to developing countries and examines whether this shift has led to an increase in international migration towards developing countries.

Publicatie datum: 03 december 2014

Deze vlaggenschip-publicatie van de OESO analyseert recente ontwikkelingen in migratiebewegingen en -beleid in de OESO-landen en geselecteerde niet-OESO landen.
Hoofdthema: Economische migratie
Publicatietype: Rapport
Trefwoorden: arbeidsmarkt

Publicatie datum: 23 juli 2014

This publication sheds light on migrants’ contribution to entrepreneurial activity and employment creation in their host countries and it discusses policy options to foster the development and success of migrant businesses.

Publicatie datum:

On 19-20 March 2015, the Latvian Contact Point of the EMN, under the auspices of the Latvian Presidency of the European Council, organizes the EMN Conference on "Attracting and Retaining Talent in Europe".