7th General Report on GRETA's activities

The GRETA report, covering the period from 1 January until 31 December 2018, stresses that labour exploitation is on the rise across Europe. Also in Belgium, labour exploitation appears as a predominant form of trafficking.

The report highlights inter alia that:

  • All countries indicate an upward trend of labour exploitation. GRETA highlights the urgent need for closer co-operation between States, civil society, trade unions and the private sector. GRETA also stresses the need for comprehensive legislation on trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, including recognition of the irrelevance of the victim’s consent to the intended exploitation, and the need for heightened attention to the abuse of a position of vulnerability.
  • Poverty and discrimination on grounds of ‘race’ or ethnicity, as well as migration status, continue to contribute to the risks faced by minority communities, including risks of labour exploitation. The increasing precariousness of work, and the risks encountered by seasonal and migrant workers in particular, are documented in several of GRETA’s country reports.
  • Access to information and to legal assistance remains a challenge for many victims of trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, and GRETA highlights the importance of ensuring that victims are not criminalised, and can secure access to compensation and effective legal redress.

For more detailed information, please read the 7th report on GRETA’s activities.

Publication Date:
mar 03 avr 2018
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