Publicatie datum: 04 juli 2013

The FRA Annual Report examines fundamental rights-related developments in many fields, including asylum, immigration and integration, border control and visa policy.
Hoofdthema: Integration, Asylum, Migration
Publicatietype: Report
Trefwoorden: economic crisis, fundamental rights

Publicatie datum: 25 juni 2013

De publicatie 'International Migration Outlook 2013' over de vooruitzichten op vlak van internationale migratie geeft aan de immigratie naar de OESO-landen met 2% steeg in 2011 t.a.v. het jaar voordien, om zo bijna op 4 miljoen af te klokken. Recente data tonen een vergelijkbare stijging in 2012.
Hoofdthema: Asiel
Trefwoorden: buitenlandse werknemers

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This conference focuses on migration as a specific strategy developed by EU citizens to adjust to an adverse socio-economic environment. Participants will look at the mobility of EU citizens proceeding from Southern European Member States who move to Northern European Member States.
Hoofdthema: Migration
Trefwoorden: economic crisis, intra-EU mobility

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The Irish EMN NCP explored how the economic crisis has affected immigrants, migratory flows and migration policies in Ireland, Europe and the wider international context.
Hoofdthema: Migration
Trefwoorden: economic crisis, immigration flow