The right to education for asylum seekers in the EU (ECRE)

This Policy Note analyses the challenges faced by asylum seekers in the EU to access their right to education, from primary-level education to higher and vocational education. It is based on the analysis of the 19 country reports and further desk research.

The Policy Note identifies a number of challenges that asylum-seeking children and youth must overcome to access education during the reception phase, from compulsory education to post-compulsory education. This includes the limited quality or absence of language and preparatory courses, the lack of information about educational systems, segregated classrooms, the age limit on compulsory education, and requirements to access higher and vocational education that are very difficult to meet.

The Policy Note raises that education cannot be treated separately from the asylum procedures and other domains of integration such as accessing housing. It also covers the difficulties unaccompanied children and asylum-seeking children with special needs may face when continuing their education in Member States. It also presents good initiatives, which can be expanded in other Member States or for other groups, to facilitate accessing education for all asylum-seekers.

For further information, please read the press release from ECRE and the full policy note attached above.

Publication Date:
Fri 24 Mar 2023
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