Publication date: 11 October 2023

In response to the growing awareness of the barriers for irregularly staying adult migrants to access higher education, vocational training and employment, the Netherlands sought to map out existing legislation and practices in other EMN Member countries to facilitate this access.

Publication date: 24 March 2023

This Policy Note analyses the challenges faced by asylum seekers in the EU to access their right to education, from primary-level education to higher and vocational education. It is based on the analysis of the 19 country reports and further desk research.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: access to education, inclusion, special needs

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This conference will focus on access to education and the role of education in the development and social inclusion of migrant children. It will be an opportunity for networking and experience sharing between partners who are working on questions related to the well-being of migrant children, as well as an opportunity to bring in different perspectives from other (selected) EU Member States, which have reported developments on access to education for migrant children in the last few years.

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Conference organized by the King Baudouin Foundation in the framework of MIPEX, a comparative study of integration policies of immigrants Date and place: 13/05/2011, 14-17h, BIP, Place Royale 10-11, 1000 Brussels