The European Commission is presenting a first set of proposals to reform the Common European Asylum System

The European Commission today's proposals are part of a major reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) as outlined in its Communication of 6 April 2016.

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The European Commission proposes to:

Reform the 'Dublin' System:

The new elements include:

  • A fairer system based on solidarity, with a corrective allocation mechanism taking into account those countries handling a disproportionate number of asylum applications
  • A mechanism that also takes account of efforts from Member States to resettle those in need of international protection direct from a third country
  • A more efficient system, with shorter time limits, and removing shifts of responsibility
  • Discouraging abuses and secondary movements
  • Protecting asylum seekers' best interests

See: Factsheet - The reform of the Dublin system
See: Proposal for Recast Dublin Regulation

Reinforce the Eurodac system

The proposal will extend the scope of the Eurodac Regulation to include the possibility for Member States to store and search data belonging to third-country nationals or stateless persons who are not applicants for international protection and found irregularly staying in the EU, so that they can be identified for return and readmission purposes.

See: Proposal for Recast Eurodac Regulation

Establish a European Union Agency for Asylum

The proposal will transform the existing European Asylum Support Office into a fully-fledged European Union Agency for Asylum with an enhanced mandate and considerably expanded tasks to address any structural weaknesses that arise in the application of the EU's asylum system. One of the main new tasks of the Agency will be to apply the fairness mechanism under the new Dublin system. The Agency will also be tasked with ensuring a greater convergence in the assessment of applications for international protection across the Union, strengthening the practical cooperation and information exchange between Member States and promoting Union law and operational standards regarding asylum procedures, reception conditions and protection needs. The Agency will also have expanded operational and technical assistance capabilities.

See: Proposal - Regulation on the European Union Agency for Asylum

More information in the European Commission press release from 4 May 2016.

Date de Publication: mer 04 mai 2016
Thème principal: