ISC Seminarie: Diaspora als een onderdeel van Europees Beleid

ISC Intelligence in Science, samen met Europees Parlementslid Emer Costello MEP, organiseren een seminarie rond de impact van diaspora op de prioriteiten binnen de Europese beleidsvoering.

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Diaspora has gained unprecedented attention around the world over the last 12 months. In November 2011, The Economist highlighted the “Magic of Diasporas” as their cover story. 2012 has seen the first Global African Diaspora Summit bring together 64 Heads of State and the second annual Global Diaspora Forum convened by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

On September 25th, 2012, ISC, together with Emer Costello MEP, will organise a seminar at the Renaissance Hotel in Brussels to explore the impact of Diaspora on EU policy priorities and examine options for Diaspora as a theme of EU policy. The seminar will be followed by a lunch discussion at the European Parliament by invitation.

More information inter alia on speakers and registration are accessible on the website of ISC Intelligence in Science

If you have any questions, please contact Ronan Cunniffe by email at

Publicatiedatum: ma 08 okt 2012