Publication date: 20 November 2023

Under the endorsement of the EMN Platform on Statelessness, this ad hoc query explores the legal framework and practice of EMN Member Countries to prevent stateless persons from receiving social and healthcare benefits in multiple countries simultaneously.

Publication date: 07 September 2015

This report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights aims to estimate the economic cost of providing timely access to healthcare for migrants in an irregular situation, compared with providing treatment only in emergency cases.
Main theme: Irregular Migration
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: healthcare

Publication date: 14 August 2014

This Inform summarizes the main findings of the corresponding EMN main study aimed at analyzing policies and practices regarding entitlements to social security and healthcare for third-country nationals in EU Member States.
Main theme: Migration
Publication Type: EMN inform
Keywords: healthcare, social security

Publication date:

Johan Wets and Tom De Bruyn, researchers at the Reasearch Center HIVA of the KUL publish their study about shortages of staff in the healthcare sector in Belgium.
Main theme: Economic migration
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: labour shortages