Publication date: 18 October 2023

The Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic is currently looking into a special program enabling a fast-track admission procedure for third-country national lorry drivers due to the shortage of workers in this field. This ad hoc query examines whether other EMN Member countries experience a shortage of lorry drivers and whether special procedures are in place to facilitate the admission of third-country nationals able to fill these positions.

Publication date: 15 October 2023

This ad hoc query examines the challenges faced by applicants and beneficiaries of international protection in accessing autonomous housing and how EMN Member and Observer Countries organise the provision of support to this group.
Main theme: Ad Hoc Queries
Publication Type: EMN Reports & studies
Keywords: housing

Publication date: 13 October 2023

This ad hoc query focuses on the early detection and identification of presumed victims of torture or other forms of inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in international and temporary protection procedures. It inter alia collects information from EMN Member Countries on guidance and training available to competent authorities, on referrals to medico-legal assessments and use of medico-legal documentation as well as on challenges and good practices in this field.

Publication date: 11 October 2023

In response to the growing awareness of the barriers for irregularly staying adult migrants to access higher education, vocational training and employment, the Netherlands sought to map out existing legislation and practices in other EMN Member countries to facilitate this access.

Publication date: 06 October 2023

This ad hoc query addresses the human resource management strategies in Asylum and Dublin Units in EMN Member Countries. It provides information on the division of the workload between the different institutions involved in the asylum procedure within the EMN Member Countries, on the number of decisions issued as well as on the methodologies in place to ensure a sufficient number of employees to guarantee decision-making. 

Publication date: 05 October 2023

This study offers a thorough and current examination of the legislation, policies and practices related to the integration of international protection applicants into the job market in EMN Member Countries. It offers an overview of the various stakeholders responsible for implementing labour market accessibility and highlights both the challenges encountered and examples of good practices.

Publication date: 25 September 2023

This ad hoc query collects information on the submission, processing and examination of applications for family reunification with beneficiaries of international protection. It also focuses on documentary requirements which apply in this context. Finally, it touches upon family reunification with and for children, including children coming of age.

Publication date: 22 September 2023

As set out in many strategy documents at the EU and OECD levels, there is a growing need to compare integration policies across EU Member States in order to facilitate mutual learning and tackle the lack of evidence on the impact of measures. The objective of this ad hoc query is to provide an overview of different approaches used by the EMN Member and Observer Countries that are designed to monitor and evaluate the integration of third-country nationals. The results of this ad hoc query will form the basis of an upcoming Inform.
Main theme: Ad Hoc Queries
Publication Type: EMN Reports & studies
Keywords: integration monitoring

Publication date: 19 September 2023

This MPI Europe study examines the challenges sponsorship programs have faced in recruiting, retaining, and diversifying the sponsors for refugees in community sponsorship programs, as well as strategies that programs could and in some cases already use to overcome these obstacles. 
Main theme: International Protection
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: resettlement, community sponsorship

Publication date: 08 September 2023

The Czech Ministry of Interior is currently looking into the possibility of using real-time speech-translating devices during the asylum procedure, especially during the interviews. It launched an ad hoc query to find out if other Member States are using this type of system in the asylum procedure.

Publication date: 06 September 2023

This report examines the fundamental rights of long-term residents in the EU and the reasons behind the low uptake of EU LTR permits, despite them typically giving more rights than national LTR permits. The findings of this report can inform discussions of the revision of the EU legal framework regulating long-term residence and the framework’s implementation.

Publication date: 05 September 2023

The Swedish government has established a committee to review aspects of Swedish legislation concerning the return procedures for third-country nationals. The committee's goal is to propose new measures and revisions to existing laws to enhance the effectiveness of the return process. Consequently, they initiated an ad hoc query to gather information about the regulations related to the limited validity period of return decisions and the duration of entry bans.
Main theme: Ad Hoc Queries
Publication Type: EMN Reports & studies
Keywords: return decision, entry ban

Publication date: 05 September 2023

In the Netherlands, there is a special policy applicable to third-country national children based on a family supervision order (child protection order) that is imposed by the juvenile court. The Dutch authorities launched this query because they want to know whether it is possible for a minor third-country national who is covered by a similar order to receive a residence permit in other Member States.

Publication date: 01 September 2023

The Luxembourg Ombudsman for Children and Youth (OKaJu), together with UNICEF Luxembourg, is carrying out research on the situation of unaccompanied minors (UAMs) in Luxembourg. In this context, they would like to collect information on good practices in other EU Member States with a focus on the guardianship of UAMs.
Main theme: Ad Hoc Queries
Publication Type: EMN Reports & studies
Keywords: guardianship

Publication date: 29 August 2023

The Country Factsheet provides a brief summary of the main developments in migration and international protection in Belgium in 2022. 
Main theme: Cross-sectional
Publication Type: Annual Policy Reports
Keywords: migration, international protection

Publication date: 28 August 2023

This ad hoc query aims to explore current practices and possible lessons learned on issuing or planning to issue digital-only identity and residency documents to third-country nationals.

Publication date: 09 August 2023

The Finnish Immigration Service launched an ad hoc query on data collection related to customer satisfaction and customer experience in migration processes to seek how these data are collected in other EU Member States, what challenges have arisen and how the information is used.

Publication date: 03 August 2023

Due to the increased need for foreign labour force, Member States are multiplying their negotiations of bilateral agreements and programmes with third countries on labour mobility. In order to have a current state of play and with a view to better coordinate this matter, the European Commission asked EMN Member countries to provide information on any bilateral agreement or programme supporting mobility from third countries.

Publication date: 03 August 2023

This 42nd Quarterly (used to be named Bulletin) of the European Migration Network (EMN) offers an overview of EU and national developments in asylum and migration policy as well as an overview of key statistics, plus related EMN outputs and developments for the period January - March 2023.
Main theme: Cross-sectional
Publication Type: EMN bulletin

Publication date: 01 August 2023

New research carried out in the context of the Equality Law Clinic at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) focuses on the EU Single Permit Directive and shares concerns regarding the complexity and efficiency of the application (and renewal) procedure, the exclusion of certain categories of migrants from the scope of the Directive and the lack of protection of migrant workers from exploitation.
Main theme: Economic migration
Publication Type: Study
Keywords: single permit directive

Publication date: 18 July 2023

In its annual report 2022, Fedasil presents the main developments and statistics in the fields of reception, voluntary return and resettlement over the past year.
Main theme: Reception
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: reception crisis, reception, annual report

Publication date: 06 July 2023

The EMN annual report on asylum and migration provides an overview of the major developments in the field of migration and asylum in Belgium and in the EU in 2022.
Main theme: Cross-sectional
Publication Type: Annual Policy Reports
Keywords: annual report

Publication date: 05 July 2023

EMN Luxembourg launched an ad hoc query on the implementation of the Seasonal Workers Directive. More specifically, the questions focus on the possible requirement for seasonal workers to undergo a medical examination upon or before entry into the country, as well as on the national implementation of the right to equal treatment, as enshrined in Article 23(1) of said Directive.
Main theme: Ad Hoc Queries
Publication Type: EMN Reports & studies
Keywords: seasonal workers directive

Publication date: 04 July 2023

Each year, the Immigration Office publishes an activity report. This annual report presents the activities of the Immigration Office over the past year: the number of requests, the number and type of decisions, the most represented nationalities, etc.
Main theme: Cross-sectional
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: annual report

Publication date: 04 July 2023

As the go-to source of information on international protection in Europe, the annual EUAA Asylum Report provides a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland (EU+ countries). 
Main theme: Asylum
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: asylum applications, asylum decisions