Annual Report 2022 (Fedasil)

In its annual report 2022, Fedasil presents the main developments and statistics in the fields of reception, voluntary return and resettlement over the past year.

The year 2022 was marked by the saturation of the reception network. Fedasil is faced with a recurring lack of places: since 2021, asylum seekers find themselves on the street due to a lack of places.

In this context, Fedasil sought to rapidly increase its reception capacity in order to provide shelter for as many people as possible. Last year, 14 reception centers opened their doors, including 7 federal centers (in Bredene, Brussels, Dilbeek, Jabbeke, Machelen, Molenbeek and Theux). In total, more than 4,000 reception places were created in 2022.

2022 also marks the 20th anniversary of Fedasil. The Agency was created in 2002 with the mission of coordinating the reception of asylum seekers in Belgium.

For further information, please read the press release from Fedasil in French or in Dutch and read the full annual report (in French or in Dutch) above.

Publication Date:
Tue 18 Jul 2023
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