Publication date: 05 July 2023

EMN Luxembourg launched an ad hoc query on the implementation of the Seasonal Workers Directive. More specifically, the questions focus on the possible requirement for seasonal workers to undergo a medical examination upon or before entry into the country, as well as on the national implementation of the right to equal treatment, as enshrined in Article 23(1) of said Directive.
Main theme: Ad Hoc Queries
Publication Type: EMN Reports & studies
Keywords: seasonal workers directive

Publication date: 20 January 2021

For many EU countries, seasonal workers from third countries are crucial to fill temporary, cyclical labour market needs. Since the adoption of the Seasonal Workers Directive in 2016, this specific category of workers can benefit from EU-harmonised admission policies and rights concerning their entry and stay. This study provides a comparative overview of recent trends in seasonal workers coming to the EU and Belgium, and the strategies and practices related to seasonal workers from third countries.

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This annual conference aims to tackle the current challenges for the EU in developing a coherent legal framework in the field of labour migration and to provide practitioners with an update on the legal rules applicable to labour migrants.

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Following the vote in the European Parliament on 5 February 2014, today the Council formally adopted a new Directive on third-country national seasonal workers. Member states will need to transpose the directive within two and a half years after publication in the Official Journal.

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The European Parliament and Council provisionally agreed on a draft directive that will manage temporary legal migration and ensure protection of workers from exploitation.